All the Drug Class Drugs
Anesthetic. Chloroprocaine hydrochloride 10 mg/ml. Sol for intrathecal inj.10X5ml: Dose to be establ. on an indiv. basis taking into consider. patient's phys. condit. and the concomitant medic. products. Duration of action is dose-dependent. Max. recomm. dose is 50 mg. See lit.
Spinal anaesth. in adlts where planned surg. proced. should not exceed 40 min.
C/I:Hypersens. Gral. and specific C/I to spinal anaesth. regardless of the local anaesthetic used, should be taken into account (e.g. decompens. cardiac insuffic., hypovolemic shock….)• IV regional anaesth. (anesthetic agent is introduc. into limb and allowed to set in while tourniquets retain the agent within the desired area)
• serious probl. with cardiac conduction• severe anaemia
Analgesic, Anesthetic. Amethocaine (HCl) 0.5%, Phenazone 5%. EAR DROPS: 10 ml. Fill ext. aud. canal
3-4 x dly.
Relief pain in otit. ext. and med.
C/I: Perforated ear drum.
Analgesic, Anesthetic. Phenazone 5%, Tetracaine HCl 0.5%. EAR DROPS: 10 ml. Fill ext. meatus
every hr. until painsubsides.
Otit. media, otit. ext.
Anesthetic, Antibiotics, Sympathomimetic. Benzocaine 3%, Neomycin Sulphate 0.35%, Phenylephrine HCl 0.25%, Sodium Propionate 5%. EAR DROPS: 10 ml. Otit. ext: Several
drops 3-4 x dly. Otit. med: Part. fill canal and then allow to flow out. Rep.
3-4 x dly.
Fungal infects., bact. infects.
C/I: Hypersens. Pts. with perforated
Anesthetic, Antiseptic. Amylmetacresol 0.6 mg, Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol 1.2 mg, Lidocaine HCl 10 mg. LOZ: 24. Adults and child over 12 yrs: 1
loz every 2-3 hrs. as reqd. Max: 8 in 24 hrs.
Fast relief severe sore throat, antisept.
C/I: Hypersens., allergy to amide local anesth., methemoglobin.