All the Drug Class Drugs
Alkylating Agent. fetotal of 150-200 mg. Child: Not more
than 0.06 mg/kg bdy. wt. dly.
Multiple myeloma, seminoma of testes
and other malign. conds.
AMPS: 1.8 ml of acid alcohol solv., 9 ml
of diluent x 100 mg. (Hosp. only). I.V: 1
mg/kg bdy. wt. repeat. in 8 wks.
accord. to response.
Reg. perfus. for malign. melanoma and
other malign.
C/I: Neutrophil count of less than 1,500/
ml, concurrent radio or chemotherapy,
low platelet count.
Alkylating Agent. Busulfan 60 mg / 10 ml. VIALS (sol. for inject.): 1. Every 6 hrs. for
4 consec. days for total of 16 doses.
In comb. with other chemother. agents
and/or radiother. as cond. ther. prior to
hematopoietic progenitor cell transplant.
C/I: Hypersens.
Alkylating Agent. Calcium Folinate 10 mg/ml. VIALS (sol. for inj.): 1 x 100 mg/10 ml, 200 mg/20 ml, 500 mg/50 ml, 1000 mg/100 ml.
I.V./I.M. only. If use I.V: No more than
160 mg/min, diluted with 0.9% sod.
chlor. sol. or 5% glucose sol. See lit.
To diminish the toxic. and counteract the
action of folic acid antagonists in
cytotoxic ther. As Leucovorin-Fluorouracil
chemotherapy comb. for cancer tmt.
C/I: Hypersens., pernicious anem., other
anem. due to B12 defic.
Alkylating Agent. Dacarbazine (as Citrate) 200, 500, 1000 mg/vial. SINGLE DOSE VIALS (Pwdr. for sol. for
inject./infus.): 1, 10 x 200 mg; (Pwdr. for
soln for infus.): 1, 10 x 500 mg, 1,000 mg.
Malign. melanoma: (as single agent):
200-250 mg/m2 bdy surface area/day)
I.V. for 5 days every 3 wks. Alt: Shortterm
infus. (over 15-30 mins). Also
possible: I.V. 850 mg/m2 on day 1, then
once every 3 wks. Hodgkin’s dis: 375
mg/m2 I.V. every 15 days in comb. with
doxorubicin, bleomycin and
vinblastine. See lit.
Malign. melanoma, Hodgkin’s dis.
C/I: Hypersens., pregn., lact., leucopen.,
and/or thrombocytopen., severe liver/
kidney dis.
Alkylating Agent. Dacarbazine 200 mg/vial. VIALS (pwdr. for reconstit.): 1 x 200 mg +
19.7 ml water. I.V. inject.,/infus.
Monother: 4-5 day cycles of 150-250
mg/m² bdy surface/day. May repeat
every 21 days. Alt. tmt: 2.0-4.5 mg/kg/
day for 1-10 days. Can repeat every 28 days. Inject over ±1 min/infus. over
15-30 mins. If necess. may be given I.A.
Comb. chemother: 4-5 day cycles of
100 mg/m²/day with 21 day intervals
start. from last day tmt.
Metastat. malign. melanoma, Hodgkin’s
dis. as 2nd line ther. when used in comb.
with other agents.
C/I: Hypersens., ren. insuffic., bone
marrow defic., pregn., lact.
Alkylating Agent. Bendamustine Hydrochloride 25 mg, 100 mg. VIAL (pwdr. for concentrate. for sol. for infus.): 5x25, 100 mg. Monother. for chron. lymphoc. leuk.: 100 mg/m² bdy. surf. area bendamustine HCl on 1st and 2nd day; every 4 wks. up to 6 times.
Monother. for indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. refract. to rituximab: 120 mg/m² bdy. surf. area bendamustine HCl on on 1st and 2nd day; every 3 wks. for at least 6 times.
Follic. non-Hodgkin’s lymphom.: Comb. with rituximab: The dose is 90 mg/m² bdy. surf. area Demustin I.V. on 1st and 2nd day plus 375 mg/m² rituximab on 1st day; repetit. every 4 wks.
1st-line tmt. of chron. lymphoc. leuk. (Binet stage B/C) in pts. for whom fludarabine comb. chemother. is not appropr..
Indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. as monother. in pts., who have progres. during or within 6 mnths. follow. tmt. with rituximab or a rituximab contain. regimen.
Follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphom. as 1st line tmt. in comb. with rituximab.
C/I: Hypersens. Lact. Sev. hep. impair. (serum bilirub. > 3.0 mg/dl). Jaundice. Sev. bone marrow suppres. and severe blood count alterat. (leukocyte and/or platelet values dropped to < 3,000/μl or < 75,000/μl, respectively). Major surg. less than 30 days before start of tmt. Infec., espec. involv. leukocytopenia. Yellow fever vaccin.