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  • Neoplastic Disorders
    217 Drugs classified under this biological system

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    Abiplatin 1 mg/ml
    Salomon, Levin & Elstein Ltd
    partial basket chart
    Abiplatin 1 mg/ml

    Alkylating Agent (platinum analog). Cisplatin 1 mg/ml.
    VIALS: 1 x 100 ml, 50 ml. See lit.
    Palliative in add. to other modalities
    tmt. metastat. testic. and ovar. cancer,
    advanced bladder cancer.

    Abiraterone Teva
    partial basket chart
    Abiraterone Teva

    Androgen Biosynthesis Inhibitor. Abiraterone Acetate 250 mg , 500 mg.
    TABS.: 250 mg x 120 , 500 mg x 60.
    Intended  for male pts. only. 1,000 mg (4×250mg tabs. or 2x500mg tabs.) once dly.
     1. in combin. with prednisone for metast. castrat.-resist. prostate cancer.
    2. For newly diag. high risk metast. hne. sensit. prostate cancer (mHSPC) in adlt. men in combinat. with androgen depriv. ther.
    (ADT) and in combin. with prednisone.
      Hypersens./ by pregn. females or who may be potent. pregn../sev. hepat. impairm./ in combin. with Ra-223 if given with prednisone.

    Salomon, Levin & Elstein Ltd
    partial basket chart

    Folic Acid Analog. Methotrexate 25 mg/ml.
    VIAL (sol. for inj.): 25 mg/ ml X 2 ml, 4 ml,
    8 ml, 20 ml, 40 ml. Dose must be ajust.
    individ. for each pt. accord. to med.
    cond. See lit.
    Antineopl. Chemother.
    Tmt. of gestational choriocarcinoma,
    chorioadenoma destruens and
    hydatidiform mole. Palliation of ALL. Tmt.
    and proph. of menin. leukemia.
    Greatest effect has been observed in
    palliation of acute lymphoblast.(stemcell)
    leukemias in child. In comb. with
    other anticancer agents, may be used for
    the induc. of remis.,but is most common.
    used in the mainten. of induced remis.
    May be used alone, or in comb. with other
    antineoplastic drugs, in the manag. of
    breast canc., epidermoid cancers of the
    head and neck, lung cancer (partic.
    squamous cell ,small cell types), bladder
    cancer and osteogenic cancer. Tmt. of the
    advan.stages (III and IV, Peter’s Staging
    system) of lymphosarcoma, partic. in
    child., and in advanced cases of mycosis
    Psoriasis. Indic. only in the sympt. control
    of sev. recalcitrant, disabling psoriasis
    which is not adeq. responsive to other
    forms of therapy, and only when the diag.
    has been established, as by biopsy and/or
    after dermat. consult. RA:Tmt. of selec.
    adul.with sev. RA, only when the diag. has
    been well established accord. to rheumat.
    standards, with inadeq. response to other
    forms of antirheum. ther., includ. full dose
    NSAIDs and usually a trial of at least one
    or more dis.-modif. antirheum. drugs.
    C/I: Pregnancy, lact., pts. in poor state of
    nutrition, sev. ren. impair. (crCL <20 ml/
    min), sev. liver impair., bone marrow
    hypoplasia, leucopenia,
    thrombocytopenia, anemia, alcohol
    abuse, hypersens. and lung toxic.due to
    methotrexate, serious, acute or chronic
    infect. such as tuberculosis and HIV,
    ulcers of the oral cavity and known
    active GI ulcer dis. Concur. vaccin. with
    live vaccines.

    Adcetris 50 mg
    partial basket chart
    Adcetris 50 mg

    Monoclonal Antibody. Brentuximab Vedotin 50 mg.
    VIAL (Pwdr. for conc. for solution for IV infus.): 1 x 50 mg. Previous. Untreat. HL: The recom. dose in comb. with chemother. (doxorubicin [A], vinblastine [V] and dacarbazine [D] [AVD]) is 1.2 mg/kg admin. as an IV infus. over 30 min. on days 1 and 15 of each 28-day cycle for 6 cycles.
    Primary prophylaxis with growth factor support (G-CSF), begin. with the 1ST dose, is recom. for all pts. with prev. untreat. HL receiv. comb. ther.
    HL at incr. risk of relapse or progression: 1.8 mg/kg admin. as an IV infus. over 30 min. every 3 wks.
    Tmt. should start follow. recovery from ASCT based on clinical judgment. These pts. should receive up to 16 cycles.
    Relapsed or refract. HL: 1.8 mg/kg admin. as an IV infus. over 30 min. every 3 wks. dose for the retreatment of pts. who have previously responded to tmt. -1.8 mg/kg admin. as an IV infus. over 30 min. every 3 wks.. Alternatively, tmt. may be started at the last tolerated dose.
    Previous. untreated sALCL or other CD30-express. peripheral T-cell lymphomas: in comb. with chemother. (cyclophosphamide [C], doxorubicin [H]& prednisone [P] [CHP]) is 1.8 mg/kg admin. as an IV infus. over 30 min. every 3 wks for 6 to 8 cycles.
    Primary prophylaxis with G-CSF, beginning with the first dose, is recom. for all pts. with prev. untreated sALCL or other CD30-expressing peripheral T-cell lymphomas, receiving comb. ther.
    Refer to the SmPCs of chemotherapy agents given in comb. with ADCETRIS for pts. with prev. untreated sALCL or other CD30-expressing peripheral T-cell lymphomas.
    Relapsed or refractory sALCL: 1.8 mg/kg admin. as an IV infus. over 30 min. every 3 wks.
    Init. dose for the retreatment of pts. who have prev. responded to tmt. with Brentuximab vedotin is 1.8 mg/kg admin. as an IV infus. over 30 min. every 3 wks. See lit.
    Tmt. of adult pts. with previos. untreated Stage III or IV classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL), in comb. with doxorubicin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine.
    Tmt. of adult pts. with CD30+ HL at incr. risk of relapse or progress. follow. autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT).
    Tmt. of adult pts. with relapsed or refractory CD30+ Hodgkin lymphoma (HL): ASCT, or at least two prior therapies when ASCT or multi-agent chemother. is not a tmt. option.
    Syst. anaplastic large cell lymphoma & Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCL).
    Tmt. of adult pts. with previously untreated system. anaplastic large cell lymphoma (sALCL) or other CD30-expres. peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCL), includ. angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma and PTCL not otherwise specified, in comb. with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and prednisone.
    Tmt. of adult pts. with relapsed or refract. sALCL.
    Tmt. of adult pts. with CD30+ cutan. T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) after at least 1 prior system. ther.
    C/I: Hypersens., comb. use with Bleomycin.

    partial basket chart

    Protein Kinase Inhibitor. Everolimus 2.5, 5, 10 mg.
    TABS: 30 x 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg. Tmt. to
    be initiated by physician experienced
    in the use of anticancer ther. Orally
    once dly., at the same time ev. d. See
    Tmt. pts. with advanced ren. cell
    carcinoma aft. fail. of tmt. with sunitinib or
    sorafenib. Tmt. pts. with SEGA assoc. with
    tuberous sclerosis complex who req. ther.
    but not candidates for curative surg.
    resect. Effect. based on analys. of change
    in SEGA vol. Clin. benefit in improvement
    dis.-relat,. sympts/increase in overall
    survival has not been demonstrat. Tmt.
    progress. neuroendocrine tumors
    pancreat. origin in pts. with unresect.,
    locally advanced/metastat. dis. Safety/
    effectivenss in tmt. carcinoid tumors have
    not been established. Tmt. of horm.
    receptor-pos., HER2/neu neg. advanc.
    breast canc. in combi. with exemestane in
    postmen. women w/o symp. visceral dis.
    after recur. or progress. following nonsteroid.
    aromat. inh.. Tmt. of adult pts.
    with renal angiomyolipoma and tuberous
    sclerosis comp., nor req. immediate surg.
    Effectiv. of the drug in tmt. of renal
    angiomyolipoma based on an analysis of
    durable obj. respons. in pts. treat. for a
    median of 8.3 mnths. Further follow-up of
    pts. is req. to determine long-term
    Tmt. of unresect., local. advanc. /metastat.,
    well-different. (Grade 1/ Grade 2) nonfunct.
    neuroendocrine tumour. of GI or
    lung origin in adults with progress. dis.
    C/I: Hypersens. to active substances,
    other rapamycin derivs., excips.

    partial basket chart

    Protein Kinase Inhibitor. Alectinib 150 mg.
    HARD CAPS.:240.
    600 mg (4×150 mg caps.) ×2/d with food , max. dly. dose of 1200 mg). See lit.
    Tmt. of pts. with ALK posit., local. advanc. or metast. non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who progres. on or are intolerant to crizotinib. Alectinib as monother. - for the 1st -line tmt. of adult pts. with anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-posit. advanc. non-small cell lung cancer. (NSCLC).
    C/I: Hypersens.