All the Therapeutic System Drugs
Progestogen. Desogestrel 0.075 mg. TABS: 1 x 28, 3 x 28. 1 tab dly.
Oral contracept.
Progestogen. Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 150 mg/ml. VIALS: 150 mg/ml.
See lit.
Contracept. where medically indicated
and where other means are inapplicable.
(dispos. syringe). 150 mg by deep I.M.
inject. during first 5 days of cycle.
Repeat at 12 wk. intervals. Postpartum:
150 mg by deep I.M. inject
within first 5 days if not breast feeding.
Repeat aft. 12 wks. See lit.
C/I: Vag. bleed., breast malign.,
thrombophleb., liver dysfunct.,
sensitivity to compon.
Progestogen. Desogestrel 0.075 mg. TABS.:1, 3 BLIST.×28.
One tab. ×1/d in the same time. See lit.
Oral contraceptive.
C/I: Hypersens. to Desogestrel , peanuts, soy, or to any of the other ingred. Thrombos. or active venous thromboemb. disor. Presenc. or history of sev. hepat. dis. as long as hep. funct. values have not returned to normal. Known/ suspect. cancer that grows in response to sex hormones, such as certain types of breast canc. Unexplain. vag. bleed.
Selective Progestin Modulator. Ulipristal Acetate 30 mg. TAB: 1. 1 tab. to be taken orally, with/out
food, asap, but no later than 120 hrs (5
days). aft unprotect, intercourse. If
vomit. occurs within 3 hrs. of admin.,
another tab. to be taken. Can be taken
any time dur. menstrual cycle. Pregn. to
be excluded bef. admin.
Emergency contracept. within 120 hrs
(5 days) of unprotect. intercourse/
contracept. fail.
C/I: Hypersens., pregn.
Hormonal Contraceptives, Progestogen. Desogestrel 0.075 mg. TABS.: 1,3 x 28. Tab. must be taken every day at about the same time so that the inter. betwn. two tabs. always 24 hrs.
C/I: Active venous thromboemb. dis. Pres. or his. of sev. hep. dis. as long as liver funct. values have not returned to norm. Known/susp. sex-steroid sens. malignancies. Undiagn. vag. bleed. Hypersens. to the active subst. or to any of the excip. see lit.
Progestogen. Levonorgestrel 0.03 mg. TABS: 35. 1 tab dly (without break) at
same time ea. day with liq. as needed
for 35 days without regard to bleed.
Start next pack without interrupt. See
Oral contracept.