All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Progestogen. Desogestrel 0.075 mg. TABS: 1 x 28, 3 x 28. 1 tab dly.
Oral contracept.
Progestogen. Desogestrel 0.075 mg. TABS.:1, 3 BLIST.×28.
One tab. ×1/d in the same time. See lit.
Oral contraceptive.
C/I: Hypersens. to Desogestrel , peanuts, soy, or to any of the other ingred. Thrombos. or active venous thromboemb. disor. Presenc. or history of sev. hepat. dis. as long as hep. funct. values have not returned to normal. Known/ suspect. cancer that grows in response to sex hormones, such as certain types of breast canc. Unexplain. vag. bleed.
Estrogen, Progestogen. Desogestrel 0.15 mg, Ethinylestradiol 0.02 mg. TABS. : 1,3,4 (pack) × 21.
1 tab. dly. for 21 days, start. on 1st day of cycle. See lit.
Oral contracept.
C/I: Presence/risk of VTE: current VTE or hist. of DVT or pulmon. embol.,
Known hered./acquired predispos. for VTE., such as APC-resist. (includ. Fact. V Leiden), antithrombin-III-defic., protein C defic., or protein S defic., major surgery with prolong. immobil., high risk of VTE due to the pres. of mult. risk fact. Pres. or risk of arterial thromboem. (ATE): ATE – current ATE or hist. of ATE (e.g. MI) or prodrom. condition (e.g. angina p.)., cerebrovas. dis. – current stroke, hist. of stroke or prodrom. condition (e.g. TIA), known hered. or acquired predispos. for ATE, such as hyperhomocysteinaemia and APLA (anticardiolipin-antibodies, lupus anticoag.); hist. of migraine with focal neurologic. sympt.; high risk of ATE due to mult. risk factors or to pres. of one serious risk factor, such as: diabetes mell. with vasc. sympt.,sev. hypertens., sev. dyslipoproteinaemia.
Pancreat. assoc. with sev. hypertriglyceridem.(current /hist.). Pres. or hist. of sev. hepatic dis., as long as liver funct. has not returned to normal. Pres. or hist. of liver tumours (benign or malignant). Known/suspect. estrogen-dep. tumours. Endometrial hyperplasia. Undiagnosed vag. bleed. Known/ suspect. pregn. Hypersens. to active ingredients or any of excipients. Concom. use with med. products cont. ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir. or meds. contain. glecaprevir/pibrentasvir.
See lit.
Hormonal Contraceptives, Progestogen. Desogestrel 0.075 mg. TABS.: 1,3 x 28. Tab. must be taken every day at about the same time so that the inter. betwn. two tabs. always 24 hrs.
C/I: Active venous thromboemb. dis. Pres. or his. of sev. hep. dis. as long as liver funct. values have not returned to norm. Known/susp. sex-steroid sens. malignancies. Undiagn. vag. bleed. Hypersens. to the active subst. or to any of the excip. see lit.
Estrogen, Progestogen. Desogestrel 150 mcg, Ethinylestradiol 20 mcg. TABS: 1 x 21; 3 x 21. 1 tab. dly for 21
days start. on 1st day cycle.
Oral contracept.