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  • Ethinylestradiol
    16 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

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    Diane 35
    full basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Diane 35

    Anti-Androgen. Cyproterone 2 mg, Ethinylestradiol 35 mcg.
    COATED TABS: 21. 1 tab. dly. for 21 days,
    starting 1st day of menstrual cycle.
    See lit.
    Signs of androgenization in women:
    Pronounced forms acne, androgenat.
    alopecia, mild forms hirsutism.
    C/I Hypersens.
    Concom. use with another hormone. contraceptive.
    VT present or in history (DVT, PE)
    Arter. thrombos. present or in hist. (e.g. MI) or prodromal conditions (e.g.angina p.and TIA).
    Presence or hist. of cerebrovasc.accident
    The presence of a severe or multiple risk factor(s) for venous/ arterial thrombos. such as: diabetes mell. with vasc. sympt., severe hypertens., severe dyslipoproteinaemia
    Heredit. or acquired predisposit. for venous/ arterial thrombosis, such as activated protein C.
    (APC) resistance, antithrombin-III-defic., protein C defic., protein S defic., hyperhomocysteinaemia and antiphospholipid-antibodies (anticardiolipin-antibodies, lupus anticoagulant).
    History of migraine with focal neurology. sympt.
    Presence or hist.of severe hep. dis.e.g. active viral hepatitis and severe cirrhosis, as long as liver funct. values have not returned to normal.
    Presence or history of liver tumours (benign or malignant).
    Current or history of breast canc.
    Meningioma or history of meningioma.
    Known or suspected preg.

    full basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Anti-Androgen, Estrogen. Cyproterone (acetate) 2 mg, Ethinylestradiol 0.035 mg.
    TABS: 21, 3 x 21. 1 tab. dly. for 21 days,
    starting 1st day of menstrual cycle.
    Signs of androgenization in women.
    pronounced forms of acne, androgenic
    alopecia and mild forms of hirsutism.
    C/I: Hypersens.; Concomit. use
    hormone. contracept.; Preg., Possible
    pregn., lact.; Present/hist. of breast.
    canc.; Thrombosis.; Present/hist. of lower extremet. thrombos.; Present/hist,
    of pulmon. embol.; Cardiac. dis. (e.g.,
    ang. pect., TIA).; Present/ histor. MI
    attack or stroke.; Chron. condit. that
    affect blood vessels (e.g diabetes).;
    Hyperlipidemia, hypertens., migraine
    with aura.; Present/hist. of hepat. dis.;
    Hepat. tumors.

    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Estrogen, Progestogen. Ethinylestradiol 0.6 mg, Norelgestromin 6 mg.
    TRANSDERMAL PATCHES: 3,9. 1st patch on
    day 1 of cycle. 1 patch (on same day)/
    wk. on day 8 and 15 of cycle. 4th wk
    (from day 22) is patch free. New cycle
    aft. 7 days patch free. See lit.
    Female contraception. Evra is intended for women of fertile age.
    Presence or risk of VTE. Current VTE (on anticoagulants) or history of (e.g. DVT] or PE);Known heredit. or acquir. predisposit. for VT such as: APC-resistan., (includ. Factor V Leiden), antithrombin-III-defic., protein C defic., protein S defic.; Major surg. with prolong. immobilisat.
    A high risk of VT due to the presence of multiple risk fact.
    Presence /risk of ATE.
    Arterial thromboembol. – current ATE , history of ATE (e.g. MI) or prodromal condit. (e.g. angin. p.); Cerebrovasc. dis. – current stroke, history of stroke or prodromal condit. (e.g., TIA); Known heredit. or acquir. predisposit. for ATA such as hyperhomocysteinaemia and APLA. (anticardiolipin-antibodies, lupus anticoagulant); Hist. of migraine with focal neurology. sympt.; A high risk of ATA  due to multiple risk fact. or to the presence of one serious risk factor (E.G. diabetes mell. with vascular sympt., sev. hypertens., severe dyslipoproteinaemia.
    Known/susp. carcinoma of the breast.
    Carcinoma of the endometrium or other known or suspect. oestrogen-depend. neoplasia
    Abnorm.  liver func. related to acute or chron. hepatocell. dis.
    Hepat. adenomas or carcinomas.
    Undiagnos. abnorm. gen.bleed.
    Concomi. use with the med. products contain. ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir.


    full basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Estrogen, Progestogen. Desogestrel 0.15 mg, Ethinylestradiol 0.02 mg.
    TABS. : 1,3,4 (pack) × 21.
    1 tab. dly. for 21 days, start. on 1st day of cycle. See lit.
    Oral contracept.
    C/I:  Presence/risk of VTE: current VTE or hist. of DVT or pulmon. embol.,
    Known hered./acquired predispos. for VTE., such as APC-resist. (includ. Fact. V Leiden), antithrombin-III-defic., protein C defic., or protein S defic., major surgery with prolong. immobil., high risk of VTE due to the pres. of mult. risk fact. Pres. or risk of arterial thromboem. (ATE): ATE – current ATE or hist. of ATE (e.g. MI) or prodrom. condition (e.g. angina p.)., cerebrovas. dis. – current stroke, hist. of stroke or prodrom. condition (e.g. TIA), known hered. or acquired predispos. for ATE, such as hyperhomocysteinaemia and APLA (anticardiolipin-antibodies, lupus anticoag.); hist. of migraine with focal neurologic. sympt.; high risk of ATE due to mult. risk factors or to pres. of one serious risk factor, such as: diabetes mell. with vasc. sympt.,sev. hypertens., sev. dyslipoproteinaemia.
    Pancreat. assoc. with sev. hypertriglyceridem.(current /hist.). Pres. or hist. of sev. hepatic dis., as long as liver funct. has not returned to normal. Pres. or hist. of liver tumours (benign or malignant). Known/suspect. estrogen-dep. tumours. Endometrial hyperplasia. Undiagnosed vag. bleed. Known/ suspect. pregn. Hypersens. to active ingredients or any of excipients. Concom. use with med. products cont. ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir. or meds. contain. glecaprevir/pibrentasvir.
    See lit.

    full basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Estrogen, Progestogen. Ethinylestradiol 0.02 mg, Gestodene 0.075 mg.
    TABS. 1X21 / 3X21
    1 tab. dly for 21 days, foll. by 7 days tab. free. Start on 1st day of cycle. See lit.
    Oral contracept.

    C/I:  Hypersens. to active ingredients or excipients;
    presence or risk of ATE – current ATE or hist. of ATE (e.g. MI) or prodrom. condit. (e.g. angina p.). Cerebrovas. dis. – current stroke, hist. of stroke or prodrom. condit. (e.g. TIA), known heredit. or acquired predisposit. for arterial thromboembol., such as hyperhomocysteinaemia and APLA (anticardiolipin-antibodies, lupus anticoag.), hist. of migraine with focal neurologic. sympt., high risk of arterial thromboembol. due to mult. risk factors or to the presence of one ser. risk factor: (e.g. diabetes mell.  with vasc. sympt., sev. hypertens., sev. dyslipoproteinaemia), coronary dis.; presence or risk VTE: current VTE (on anticoagul.) or hist. of (e.g DVT, PE), known heredit. or acquir. predisposit. for venous thromboemb., such as APC-resist., (includ. Factor V Leiden), antithrombin-III-defic., protein C defic., protein S defic., major surg. with prolong. immobilizat., high risk of VTE due to the pres. of mult. risk fact.; thrombogenic valvulopathy; thrombogenic arrhythmias;  susp. or confirmed breast cancer;  susp. or confirmed oestrogen-sensitive neoplasms (endometrial etc.);  hepatic adenoma or carcin.;  sev. hepatic disord. - until hepatic funct. has normalised;
    abnormal vaginal bleed. of unknown cause; susp. or confirmed pregn.; pancreatit. assoc. with sev. hypertriglyceridemia (current or hist.); concom. use with ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir or glecaprevir/pibrentasvir or sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/voxilaprevir. See lit

    full basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Estrogen, Progestogen. Ethinylestradiol 0.03 mg, Gestodene 0.075 mg.
    TABS 1/3 x 21.
    1 tab. dly. See lit.
    Oral Contracept.
    C/I:  Hypersens. to act. ingred. or any of excipients. Presen. or risk VTE: Thrombophleb. or venous thromboem.  – curr. VTE (on anticoagul.) or hist. of (e.g DVT, PE) or other dis., assoc. with an incr. thromboemb. risk such as thrombogen. valvulopathies and thrombogenic rhythm disord. (current / hist.). Known heredit. or acquir. predisposit. for venous thromboemb., such as APC-resistance, (includ. Factor V Leiden), antithrombin-III-defic., protein C defic., protein S defic. Major surg. with prolong. immobiliz. A high risk of VTE due to the presen. of multi. risk fact. Presen. or risk of arterial thromboem. (ATE): ATE – current ATE, hist. of ATE (e.g. MI) or prodrom. condition (e.g. angina p.). Cerebrovasc. or coron. artery dis. – curr. stroke, hist. of stroke or prodrom. condit. (e.g. transient ischaemic attack, TIA). Known hered. or acq. predisposit. for ATE, such as hyperhomocysteinaemia and APLA (anticardiolipin-antibodies, lupus anticoag.). Hist. of migraine with focal neurological sympt. A high risk of ATE due to mult. risk factors or to the pres. of one serious risk factor: (e.g. diabetes mell.  with vasc. sympt., sev. hypertens., sev. dyslipoproteinaemia). Known/suspect. carcin. of the breast, carcin. of the endometr. or other known/suspect. estrogen-dependent neoplasia. Undiagn. abnormal vag.bleed. Hepat. adenom./ carcinom., acute /chron. liver dis., as long as liver funct. has not returned to normal. Pancreat. assoc. with severe hypertriglyceridem. (current /history). Known/ suspect. pregn .Concom./use with med. products contain. ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir. or meds. contain.  glecaprevir/pibrentasvir. See lit.