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  • Contraceptive Devices
    5 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

    All the Therapeutic System Drugs

    Gynefix 200 Regular
    not in the basket chart
    Gynefix 200 Regular

    Copper Frameless flexible small easy-fit copper IUD.
    Frameless flexible small easy-fit copper
    IUD, for regular uterus, myomatous
    uterus, uterine malformations. Effective 5
    Intra-uterine contraceptive.

    Gynefix 330 Plus
    not in the basket chart
    Gynefix 330 Plus

    Copper Frameless easy-fit copper IUD.
    Frameless flexible easy-fit copper IUD, for
    multiparas with a large uterus, Effective 5
    Intra-uterine contraceptive.

    partial basket chart

    Intrauterine Device. Levonorgestrel 13.5 mg.
    IUS: 1 Releasing 14mcg/24h 24 days after
    inser., 10mcg/24h 60days after inser.,
    6mcg/24h 1 year after inser. 6mcg/24h 3
    years after inser. See lit.
    Contracep. for up to 3 yrs.
    C/I: Preg. Acute/recurrent pelvic inflam.
    dis. or condit. assoc. with incr. risk for
    pelvic infec. Acute cervicitis or vaginitis;
    Postpart. endometritis or infec. abortion
    during the past three mths. Cervical
    intraepithelial neoplasia until resolved.
    Uterine or cervical malignancy.
    Progestogen-sens. tumours, e.g. breast
    cancer. Abnor. vaginal bleed. of unknown
    etiology; Congenital or acquired uterine
    anomaly includ. fibroids which would
    interfere with inser. and / or retention of
    the intrauterine syst. (i.e. if they distort the
    uterine cavity); Acute liver dis. or liver
    tumour; Hypersens.

    not in the basket chart

    Intrauterine Device. Levonorgestrel 19.5 mg.
    IUS: 1. 1 unit in uterine cavity. See lit.
    Contracep. for up to 5 yrs.
    C/I: Hypersens. to act. ingr. Preg. Pts. with current/recurent PID. Pts. with increased susceptibil. to pelvic infect. Pts. with vag./ cervc. infec. Postprt. infect. Pts. who experienced abortion/miscarriage in past 3 mnths. Pts. with cell abnormalit. in the cervix. Pts. with suspected of cervic./uterus cancer, breast cancer. Pts. with uterine bleed. Pts. with cervical/uterus fibrosis. Pts. active liver dis. or liver tumour.

    partial basket chart

    Levonorgestrel 52 mg.
    IUS: 1 releasing 20 μg/24 hrs. for 5 yrs.
    See lit. 1 unit in uterine cavity. In case of
    accident. pregn. system to be removed.
    Contracept., idiopath. menorrh., protect.
    endomet. hyperplas. dur. estrogen replace.
    C/I: Known or suspect. pregn., genital
    infect., suspect. or confirm. uterine/
    cervical malign., undiagn. abnorm.
    uterine bleed., congen./ acq. uterine
    anom. incl. fibroids, acute liver dis., liver
    tumor, ven. thrombo-embol., acute/
    recur. pelvic inflamm. dis., previous bact.
    endocardit., severe pelvic infect. with
    analom. card. lesion, prosthet. valve
    replace., arter. dis., immunodefic., acute
    malign. affect. blood, leukem. except
    when in remiss., recent trophoblast. dis.
    while HCG levels elevat.

    Other therapeutic systems under Contraception