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  • Intrauterine Device
    2 Drugs classified under this drug class

    All the Drug Class Drugs

    partial basket chart

    Intrauterine Device. Levonorgestrel 13.5 mg.
    IUS: 1 Releasing 14mcg/24h 24 days after
    inser., 10mcg/24h 60days after inser.,
    6mcg/24h 1 year after inser. 6mcg/24h 3
    years after inser. See lit.
    Contracep. for up to 3 yrs.
    C/I: Preg. Acute/recurrent pelvic inflam.
    dis. or condit. assoc. with incr. risk for
    pelvic infec. Acute cervicitis or vaginitis;
    Postpart. endometritis or infec. abortion
    during the past three mths. Cervical
    intraepithelial neoplasia until resolved.
    Uterine or cervical malignancy.
    Progestogen-sens. tumours, e.g. breast
    cancer. Abnor. vaginal bleed. of unknown
    etiology; Congenital or acquired uterine
    anomaly includ. fibroids which would
    interfere with inser. and / or retention of
    the intrauterine syst. (i.e. if they distort the
    uterine cavity); Acute liver dis. or liver
    tumour; Hypersens.

    not in the basket chart

    Intrauterine Device. Levonorgestrel 19.5 mg.
    IUS: 1. 1 unit in uterine cavity. See lit.
    Contracep. for up to 5 yrs.
    C/I: Hypersens. to act. ingr. Preg. Pts. with current/recurent PID. Pts. with increased susceptibil. to pelvic infect. Pts. with vag./ cervc. infec. Postprt. infect. Pts. who experienced abortion/miscarriage in past 3 mnths. Pts. with cell abnormalit. in the cervix. Pts. with suspected of cervic./uterus cancer, breast cancer. Pts. with uterine bleed. Pts. with cervical/uterus fibrosis. Pts. active liver dis. or liver tumour.