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  • Gastro-Intestinal Infections, Diarrhea
    29 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

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    Bulk Forming Laxative. Seeds of Plantago ovata 65 g, Ispaghula husks 2.2 g.
    GRANULES: 200 g. Constipat: 2 teasp.
    aft. evening meal. If necess. 1 teasp.
    bef. breakf. Tendency to diarrh: 2
    teasp. 3 x dly for 1-3 days, then 1
    teasp. 3 x dly as reqd. Child. 6 yrs and
    older 1/2 adult dose.

    Tradis Gat
    full basket chart

    5-Aminosalicylic Acid Derivative. Mesalazine 400 mg, 800 mg.
    TABS: 100 x 400 mg. 3-6 tabs. dly. in div.
    doses bef. meals.
    TABS: 60 x 800 mg. Ulc. colit: Maint.
    remission: 1.2-2.4 g dly in div. doses
    bef. meals. Chron’s dis: 2.4 g dly in div.
    doses bef. meals. Child: No specif.
    Maint. remission in ulcerat. colit., acute
    episodes Crohn’s dis.
    Ulcerat. proctit.
    C/I: Hypersens. to salicylates, liver and
    kidney funct. disords., gastric or duod.
    ulc., pregn., lact., diabetes.

    Bitni X
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    Bitni X

    Antidiarrheal. Bismuth Subsalicylate 262 mg.
    Tab: 20.
    SUSP (262mg//15ml): 100 ml. Adults: 2 tabs. Child.9-12 yrs: 1 tab. Under 9 yrs. Recomm. to use susp. May repeat dose every 1/2 -1 hr as needed. Max. 7 doses/24 hrs. With or without food.
    Susp.: Adult. & child. over the age of 12 yrs.: 30 ml. Child. below 12 yrs. of age: consult a doctor. This dosage can be repeated every half hour to an hour, up to 8 times in any 24-h period.
    Diarrhea, naus., flatulence, abd. crams.
    C/I: Hypersens. to salicyl. Pts. with illnesses accompanied by fever, (eg. flu, chickenpox (for fear of Reye’s syndr.). Concom. use with other salicylate. Pts. with stomach ulcer, bleed., bloody or black stool.

    partial basket chart

    Polypeptide Antibiotic. Colistimetate Sodium 1 MIU/vial.
    VIALS: 1,000,000 IU. Child: 50,000 IU/kg
    bdy. wt./day. Adult: 6 vials/24 hrs.
    Sens. urin. tract infects. septicem. esp.
    due to Ps. aerug. Colistin sulphate.
    Acute and chron. gram –tive bact.,
    C/I: Sens. to polymyxins. See lit.

    Tradis Gat
    partial basket chart

    Antibiotics. Fidaxomicin 200 mg.
    F.C. TAB.:20. 200 mg×2/d for 10d. See lit.
    Tmt. of Clostridium difficile infec. (CDI) also known as C. difficile-assoc. diarrhoea (CDAD) in adlt. and paediatric pts. agd. 6 yrs. and old.
    C/I: Hypersens.

    Other therapeutic systems under Alimentary System