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  • Laxatives, Purgatives, Lubricants
    34 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

    All the Therapeutic System Drugs

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    Bulk Forming Laxative. Seeds of Plantago ovata 65 g, Ispaghula husks 2.2 g.
    GRANULES: 200 g. Constipat: 2 teasp.
    aft. evening meal. If necess. 1 teasp.
    bef. breakf. Tendency to diarrh: 2
    teasp. 3 x dly for 1-3 days, then 1
    teasp. 3 x dly as reqd. Child. 6 yrs and
    older 1/2 adult dose.

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    Multiple ingredients

    Stimulant Laxative. Senna 6.74 - 13.15 g / 100 g, Seeds of Plantago ovata 52 g / 100 g, Ispaghula husks 2.2 g / 100 g.
    GRANULES: 200 g. Adults and child
    over 10 yrs: 1-2 teasp. 1 x dly, swallow
    whole with 1/4 liter liq. aft. even. meal.
    Not to be taken over period longer
    than 1-2 wks. Not to incr. dose. Take 1
    hr. aft. any other drug.
    Short-term tmt. constipat.

    Atzirut X
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    Atzirut X

    Stimulant Laxative. Bisacodyl 5 mg.
    TABS: 30.
    Adult.: 1-3 tabs. in the eve. before bdtime. Start. dose 1 tab. and incr. the dosage as necessary.
    Max. dly. dose - 3 tabs./ d.
    Dosage for child. above 6 yrs. of age: one tab. in the eve. before bdtime.
    Duration of tmt.: not intended for use  for more than 5 consec. days
    The tab. should be swallow. whole with some water, should not be chewed or crushed, and should not be halved.
    Pt. has to be  hydrated during the day to help soften the stool and prevent dehydrat. See lit.
    All types of constipation in ambulat. and bedridden pts. over the age of 6 yrs. Preparation of pts. for abdom.radiography and proctoscopy.
    C/I: Hypersens.
    Pts. with lactose  intoler.
    Pts. with ileus (bowel obstruction), .
    Appendicitis, nausea and vomit. of unknown cause.
    Pts. with bowels (the small intestine or the colon) inflamm.
    Pts. with severe abdom.pain accompany.by nausea and vomit.

    Avilac Syrup
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    Avilac Syrup

    Osmotic Laxative. Lactulose 66.7 g / 100 ml.
    SYR: 300 ml. Adults: Initial: 30
    ml dly. depend. on severity. Maint:
    15-30 ml dly. Child: 5-10 yrs: 10-15 ml
    dly; 1-5 yrs: 5-10 ml dly.; less than 1 yr:
    2.5-5 ml. dly. Hepat. coma, pre-coma:
    Initial: 30-50 ml 3 x dly.
    Chron. constipat., hepat. precoma,
    C/I: Hypersens., galactosem., bowel

    Tradis Gat
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    Multiple ingredients

    Purgative. Sodium Picosulfate 10 mg, Magnesium Oxide 3.5 g, Citric Acid 10.97 g.
    Contact Laxatives. Sodium Picosulfate 10 mg, Light Magnesium oxide 3.5 g, Citric acid anhydrous 10.97 g.
    SACHETS (pwdr. for sol.) 2 x 15.08 g: Adults (includ. elderly): 1 sachet in water taken bef. 8 am on day bef. proced., 2nd sachet at 2 pm.-4 pm. on the same day.
    For bowel cleans. prior to any diagnostic proced. req. a clean bowel, e.g. colonoscopy or x-ray examin.
    C/I: Hypersens., CHF, gastr. retent., gastr. ulcer, ileus, tox. Colitis, tox. megacol., nausea, vomiting, sever. dehyd., ascites, abdom. surg., obstr. in the digest. system, IBD, hypermagnes., rhabdomyol.

    Dr. Fischer
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    Stimulant Laxative. Bisacodyl 10 mg.
    SUPPS: 25. 1 supp. Child: 1/2 supp.
    Immed. bowel evacuator, constipat.

    Other therapeutic systems under Alimentary System