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שורשיה של טבע נטועים עמוק באדמתה של ישראל החל משנת 1901 בירושלים. אז נכתב הפרק הראשון בהיסטוריה הארוכה והייחודית של החברה, אשר הפכה אט-אט מבית מסחר קטן לתרופות לחברה הגנרית הגדולה בעולם, המשפרת את בריאותם של מיליוני מטופלים בארץ ובעולם בכל יום.
Drugs Disributed by Teva Medical Marketing Ltd
Antiseptic. Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.5% w/v, Isopropanol 70% v/v. PLASTIC BOTTLE (sol.): 490 ml. For external use only. Applied on sterile gauze pad and disinfect the desired area.
After disinfect. the navel, the area should be dried with a sterile gauze pad.
Skin disinfectant especial. for pre-invas. procedur. Disinfect. of the newly born umbilic. cord. disinfect. of thermometers.
C/I: Hypesens. Do not use this preparat. on the brain tissue, meninges, the middle ear or the genitals. The use of this preparat. is not intended to replace sterile gloves.
Solution for Parenteral Nutrition. Olive Oil 80%, Soya Oil 20%. EMULS. FOR I.V. INFUS: 100ml,
250ml, 350ml, 500 ml, 1,000 ml.
Adults: Max. dose: 1-2 g lipids/kg/day.
Initial infus. rate: Not to exceed 0.1 g
lipids or 0.5 ml of emuls. per min. for
10 mins. See lit. Child: Cont. infus. 24
hrs/day. Not more than 3 g lipids/kg
bdy wt/day. Max. rate: 0.15 g lipids/kg
bdy wt/hr. See lit. Prem. infs. and low
birth wt child: Gestat. age of at least
28 wks as cont. infus. 24 hrs/day. See
Source of lipids dur. parenteral nutrit.
where oral/enteral feed. imposs., insuffic.
or contraindicat.
Isotonic solution. Anhydrouse Glucose 1.36%, 2.27%, 3.86%, Sodium Chloride 0.538%, Sodium Lactate 0.448%, Calcium Chloride 0.0184%, Magnesium Chloride 0.0051%. PLASTIC BAG (Periton. dialysis Sol.): 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 5 L. Dosage adjust. individ.
Indicated whenever periton. dialysis is employed include. acute and chron. ren. fail., sev. water retent., electrolyte disor., drug intoxic..
C/I: hypersens. Pts. with pre-exist. severe lactic acidosis. Pts. with uncorrectab. mechanical defects that prevent effective PD or incr. the risk of infect. Pts. with documented loss of peritoneal function or extensive adhesions that compromise peritoneal funct.
Blood Substitutes and Plasma Protein Fractions. Icodextrin 75 g/l, Sodium Chloride 5.4 g/l, Sodium Lactate 4.5 g/l, Calcium Chloride Dihydrate 0.257 g/l, Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate 0.051 g/l. PVC BAG: 2,2.5 L. Dosage ajust. individ.
Recomm. as a once dly. replacem. for a single glucose exchange as part of a contin. ambulat. periton. dialysis (CAPD) or automated periton. dialysis (APD) regimen for the tmt. of chron. ren. fail., particul. for pts. who have lost ultrafiltration on glucose solutions, because it can extend time on CAPD ther. in such pts.
C/I: Hypersens. Pts. with a known allergy to starch based polymers (e.g. maize starch) and/or icodextrin. Pts. with maltose or isomaltose intoler. Pts. with glycogen storage dis. Pts. with pre-exist. severe lactic acidosis. Pts. with uncorrectable mechanic. defects that prevent effective PD or incr. the risk of infect. Pts. with Documented loss of peritoneal function or extensive adhesions that compromise periton. funct.