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  • Solution for Parenteral Nutrition
    5 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    Addamel N
    Cure Medical & Technical Supply
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    Addamel N

    Solution for Parenteral Nutrition. Electrolytes and trace elements.
    AMPS: 20 x 10 ml. Must be given
    undiluted. Basal to mod. incr. reqs: 10
    ml (1 amp. dly).
    Supplement in intraven. nutrition of
    adults to meet reqs. of trace elements.

    Aminoplasmal B. Braun 10%
    partial basket chart
    Aminoplasmal B. Braun 10%

    Solution for Parenteral Nutrition. Amino Acids 20 crystalline L-aminoacids-without carbohydrate and/or electrolytes..
    L10% without electrolytes: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1,000 ml. I.V. for hyperosmolar sol.
    Nutrit., proph. and ther. of protein defic. or
    incr. protein needs.

    Aminoplasmal B. Braun 10% E
    partial basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Aminoplasmal B. Braun 10% E

    Solution for Parenteral Nutrition. Amino Acids 20 crystalline L-aminoacids-without carbohydrate and/or electrolytes., Electrolytes .
    BOTTLES: L10% with electrolytes: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1,000 ml. I.V. for hyperosmolar sol.
    Nutrit., proph. and ther. of protein defic. or
    incr. protein needs.

    Clinoleic 20% Emulsion for Intravenous Infusion
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Clinoleic 20% Emulsion for Intravenous Infusion

    Solution for Parenteral Nutrition. Olive Oil 80%, Soya Oil 20%.
    EMULS. FOR I.V. INFUS: 100ml,
    250ml, 350ml, 500 ml, 1,000 ml.
    Adults: Max. dose: 1-2 g lipids/kg/day.
    Initial infus. rate: Not to exceed 0.1 g
    lipids or 0.5 ml of emuls. per min. for
    10 mins. See lit. Child: Cont. infus. 24
    hrs/day. Not more than 3 g lipids/kg
    bdy wt/day. Max. rate: 0.15 g lipids/kg
    bdy wt/hr. See lit. Prem. infs. and low
    birth wt child: Gestat. age of at least
    28 wks as cont. infus. 24 hrs/day. See
    Source of lipids dur. parenteral nutrit.
    where oral/enteral feed. imposs., insuffic.
    or contraindicat.

    Cure Medical & Technical Supply
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Solution for Parenteral Nutrition. L-Glutamine 13.46 g / 100 ml, L-Alanine 8.2 g / 100 ml.
    Bottle (conc. for sol. for infus.): 50 ml,
    100 ml, 250 ml. I.V. Dly dose: 1.5-2.0 ml/kg bdy. wt. (eq. to 0.3-0.4 g N(2)-Lalanyl-L-glutamine/kg bdy wt. Max.
    dly dose: 2 g amino acids/kg wt in
    parenteral nutrition. See lit.
    I.V. parenteral nutrition regimen as
    supplement to amino acid solns. or an
    amino acid cont. infus. regimen. Extreme
    cases hypercatabol. stage such as major
    abd. surg., BMT, diffuse injury GI mucous.
    C/I: Severe ren./hepat. insuffic., severe
    metabol. acidosis., hypersens.