Who are we?
MSD is an innovative, global healthcare leader that is committed to improving health and well-being around the world.
Our core product categories include diabetes, cancer, vaccines and hospital acute care. We continue to focus our research on conditions that represent some of today’s most significant health challenges – like cancer, HIV, HPV, hepatitis C, cardio-metabolic disease, antibiotic-resistant infection and Alzheimer’s disease, and we are on the front lines in the fight against emerging global pandemics, such as ebola.
We also devote extensive time and energy to increasing access to medicines and vaccines through far-reaching programs that donate and deliver our products to the people who need them.
At MSD, we’re applying our global reach, financial strength and scientific excellence to do more of what we’re passionate about: improving health and improving lives.
Drugs Disributed by Merck Sharp & Dohme Israel Ltd
Antihistamine. Desloratadine 5 mg. F.C. TABS: 15, 30 x 5 mg. 1 tab dly.
Allerg. rhinit., urticaria.
C/I: Hypersens.
Androgen. Testosterone Undecanoate 40 mg. CAPS: 30. Initial: Usually 120-160 mg
for 2-3 wks. Subsequent dosage:
40-120 mg dly. (depend. on clinical
effect obtained in first wks. of ther.),
and accord. to severity of sympt. and
individ. response.
Replacement ther. in male hypogonad.
COX2 Selective, NSAID. Etoricoxib 30, 60, 90, 120 mg. F.C. TABS: 28 x 30 mg; 10 x 60 mg,
10 x 90 mg; 7 x 120 mg. Osteoarthrit:
30-60 mg 1 x dly; Rheum. arthrit.,
ankylos. spondylit. (acute pain per.
only), short-term tmt. mod. pain assoc.
dent. surg. (max. 3 days): 90 mg 1 x dly;
acute gouty arthrit: 120 mg 1 x dly.
Max: 8 days.
Sympt. relief osteoarthrit., rheum.
arthrit., ankolys. spondylit., pain and
signs inflamm. acute gouty arthrit.,
postop. dent. surg. pain.
HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor, Lipid Modifying Agent. Ezetimibe 10 mg, Atorvastatin 10, 20, 40, 80 mg. F.C. TABS.: 30. Hypercholesterolaemia and/or CHD with ACS History). The pt. should be on an appropriate lipid-lower. diet and should cont. on this diet during tmt. with this drug.
The dose range is 10/10 mg/d. through 10/80 mg/d. The typical dose is 10/10 mg ×1/d. The pt’s. low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) level, CHD status, and response to current cholesterol-lower. ther. should be consid. when starting ther. or adjust. the dose.
The dose should be individual. based on the known efficacy of the various dose strengths of and the response to the current cholesterol-lower. ther. Adjust. of dose should be made at intervals of 4 wks. or more.
HoFH: 10/10-10/80 mg dly. The drug may be used as an adjunct to other lipid-lower. tmts. (e.g., LDL apheresis) in these pts. or if such tms. are unavailab.
May be taken with/without food.
Prevent. of Cardiovasc. Event: Indicat. to reduce the risk of cardiovasc. events in pts. with coron. heart dis.(CHD) and a hist. of acute coron. syndr. (ACS), either previous. treated with a statin or not.
Hypercholesterolaemia: The drug indicat. as adjunct. ther. to diet for use in adult. with prim. (heterozygous famil. and non-famil.) hypercholesterolaemia or mixed hyperlipidaemia where use of a comb. product is appropriate, pts. not appropriat. control. with a statin alone, pts. already treated with a statin and ezetimibe.
Homozyg. Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (HoFH): Indicat. as adjunct. ther. to diet for use in adults with HoFH. Pts. may also receive adjunct. tmts. (e.g., low-density lipoprotein [LDL] apheresis).
C/I: Hypersens. Preg., lact. , and in women of child-bear. potent.
Sugammadex 100 mg/ml. VIALS: 10 x 2 ml, 5 ml. Dose depends on
level of neuromusc. block induced by
Antifungal. Caspofungin (as acetate) 50 mg/vial. VIALS: (lyophilized pwdr. for inject.): 1 x
50 mg, 70 mg. Single 70 mg load. dose
on day 1, foll. by 50 mg dly by slow I.V.
infus. over approx. 1 hr.
Candidemia and other candida infects:
intra-abdom. abscesses, peritonit.,
pleural space infects. Esophag. candidias.
Invas. aspergillosis in pts. who are
refractory to or intol. of other therap.
C/I: Hypersens.