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כצט בע”מ היא חברת התרופות ומוצרי הצריכה מהמובילות בישראל. כצט היא חברה בבעלות פרטית הפועלת בשוק הישראלי משנת 1921 ובסוף שנות השמונים הפכה כצט לחברה בינלאומית בעלת מוניטין הפועלת גם בשווקים של אירופה, רוסיה, דרום אפריקה והמזרח הרחוק.
כצט מתמחה בשלושה תחומים עיקריים
חטיבת הבריאות
של כצט מתמחה בייצור, שיווק והפצת תרופות, תכשירים רפואיים, מכשור וציוד רפואי.
חטיבת אגריקה
מתמחה בייצור, שיווק ומתן פתרונות לחקלאים בתחום הגנת הצומח.
חטיבת אנימל קר
מספקת פתרונות בתחום הווטרינריה, הכוללים ייצור ויבוא של מוצרי מזון לבעלי חיים, מוצרי טיפוח ובריאות.
Drugs Disributed by CTS Chemical Industries Ltd
Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor. Aciclovir 200 mg, 400 mg. TABS: 2, 10, 20, 25, 30, 60, 70, 100.
Herpes simplex: 200 mg (1 tab) every 4
hrs (5 x dly). Herpes zoster (shingles):
Single dose of 800 mg (2 x 400 mg
tabs) every 4 hrs (5 x dly). Start tmt. as
soon as possible aft. onset of rash
(within 72 hrs. from onset of itch.;
chickenpox: within 24 hrs.) Child:
Herpes simplex: 2 yrs and over: Adult
dose. Under 2 yrs: 1/2 adult dose. See
Tmt. and proph. of infects. caused by
herpes simplex and varicella zoster virus.
To be considered for tmt. of chicken pox
in certain groups at increased risk of
severe varicella or its complicat. See lit.
Class III Antiarrhythmic. Amiodarone HCl 200 mg. TABS.: 30. Initial tmt.: 3 tabs./d, for 8- 10 days. In some cases, the initial tmt. has involved higher doses (4 to 5 tabs./day), always for short periods and under ECG monitor.
Maint. treatment: Seek the minimum effective dose, which varies depend. on the pt., ranging from 1/2 tab/d (1 tab. every 2 day.) to 2 tabs. every day.
Coronary insufficiency arrhythmias resistant to other treatments.
C/I: Hypersens. Pts. with Sinus bradycard. & sinoatrial heart block without pacemaker. –Sinus node dis. (Sick sinus syndrome) without a pacemaker (risk of sinus arrest).
Severe AV conduct. disord. without a pacemaker. Thyroid dysfunct. Preg.- unless exceptional circumstance. Lact. Comb. with med. products liable to induce torsades de pointes.
Stimulant Laxative. Bisacodyl 5 mg. TABS: 30.
Adult.: 1-3 tabs. in the eve. before bdtime. Start. dose 1 tab. and incr. the dosage as necessary.
Max. dly. dose - 3 tabs./ d.
Dosage for child. above 6 yrs. of age: one tab. in the eve. before bdtime.
Duration of tmt.: not intended for use for more than 5 consec. days
The tab. should be swallow. whole with some water, should not be chewed or crushed, and should not be halved.
Pt. has to be hydrated during the day to help soften the stool and prevent dehydrat. See lit.
All types of constipation in ambulat. and bedridden pts. over the age of 6 yrs. Preparation of pts. for abdom.radiography and proctoscopy.
C/I: Hypersens.
Pts. with lactose intoler.
Pts. with ileus (bowel obstruction), .
Appendicitis, nausea and vomit. of unknown cause.
Pts. with bowels (the small intestine or the colon) inflamm.
Pts. with severe abdom.pain accompany.by nausea and vomit.
Antidiarrheal. Bismuth Subsalicylate 262 mg. Tab: 20.
SUSP (262mg//15ml): 100 ml. Adults: 2 tabs. Child.9-12 yrs: 1 tab. Under 9 yrs. Recomm. to use susp. May repeat dose every 1/2 -1 hr as needed. Max. 7 doses/24 hrs. With or without food.
Susp.: Adult. & child. over the age of 12 yrs.: 30 ml. Child. below 12 yrs. of age: consult a doctor. This dosage can be repeated every half hour to an hour, up to 8 times in any 24-h period.
Diarrhea, naus., flatulence, abd. crams.
C/I: Hypersens. to salicyl. Pts. with illnesses accompanied by fever, (eg. flu, chickenpox (for fear of Reye’s syndr.). Concom. use with other salicylate. Pts. with stomach ulcer, bleed., bloody or black stool.
Anticonvulsant. Sodium Valproate 200 mg, 500 mg. EC Tabs. 40X200 mg, 500 mg
SOL.50 mlX200 mg/ml
SYR. 110 mlX200 mg/5ml
Init: 10-15 mg/kg bw dly, incr. at 5 days or 1 week interv. by 5 mg/kg bw. Elderly:15 mg/kg dly. Adults:20 mg/kg dly. Child and inf.: 25 mg/kg daily. Assess after 2-3 weeks treat. See lit.
Generalized or partial epilepsy, secondary generalized
epilepsy and mixed forms of epilepsy
C/I: Pregnancy unless no suitable alternat.
Women of childbearing potent.
Hypersens. to valproate, valproate semisodium, valpromide or excipients
Accute hepatitis.
Chron. hepatitis.
Pts. or family hist. of sev. hepatitis, especial. drug-related.
Hepat. porphyria.
Pts. with known urea cycle dis.
Pts. with mitoch. dis. caused by mut. in the nuclear gene encoding mitoch. enzyme polymerase gamma (POLG), e.g. Alpers-Huttenlocher Syndr., childr. under 2 years suspect. of having a POLG related dis.
Combinat. with St John’s Wort
Antihistamine. Desloratadine 5 mg. TABS.: 30. 1 tab ×1/d with/without food.
Indicated for the relief of sympt. assoc. with allergic rhinitis, urticaria.
C/I: Hypersens.