All the Drug Class Drugs
General Anesthetic. Isoflurane 100%. LIQ FOR INH: 6 X 100 ml. Inspired
conc. 1.5-3.0% produce surg. anesth. in
7-10 mins. See lit.
Induct. and maint. gen. Anesthes.
C/I: Hypersens. to Isoflurane or other
halogenated anaesthetics,
pts with known or susp. genetic
susceptib. to malignant hyperthermia.
General Anesthetic. Propofol 10 mg/ml. VIALS: 50 ml, 100 ml x 10 mg/ml. See lit.
Induc. and mainten. of gener.
anaesthesia In adults and child. > 1 m.
Sedat. Of ventilated pts.> 16 yrs. Of age
In the intens. care unit. Sedat. for
diagnos. and surg. proced., alone or in
comb. With local or regional anaesthesia
in Adults & children > 1 mnth.
C/I: Hypersens. to the active substance
or to any of the excipients. Pts. WITH
hypersens. to peanut or soya. Pts. of 16
yrs. of age or younger for sedation in
intens. care.
General Anesthetic. Propofol 20 mg/ml. VIALS (emuls. for I.V. inject.): 50 ml, 100
ml. See lit.
Induct. and mainten. of general
anesthesia in adult. &child. > 3 yrs.
Sedat. of ventilated pts. >16 years of age
in the intens. care unit. Sedat. for diagn.
and surg. procedures, alone or in comb.
with local or regional anaesthesia in
adult/child. > 3 years.
C/I: Hypersens., to the active substance
or To any of the excipients. Pts. with
hypersens. to peanut or soya. Pts. of 16
yrs. of age or younger for sedation in
intens. care.
General Anesthetic. Etomidate 20 mg / 10 ml. AMPS (emuls. for inject): 10 x 10 ml.
See lit.
Induct. gen. anesth.
General Anesthetic. Ketamine HCl 10 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml. AMPS: I.V: 20 ml x 10 mg/ml. I.M: 10 ml x
50 mg/ml. Dosage must be ajust.
Gen. anesth. for diagn. and surg. proced.,
induct. of anesth., supplement of low
potency agents.
C/I: Hypersens.
Pts. in whom an elevat. of blood press.
would constitute a serious hazard. Pts. with eclampsia or pre-eclampsia,
severe coron. or MI dis., cerebrovasc.
accident or cerebral trauma.
General Anesthetic. Ketamine HCl 50 mg/ml. VIAL.(sol. for inj.): 10 ml. Dosage must be ajust. individ.
As the sole anaesthetic agent for diagnost. and surg. proced. When used by IV or IM inj., Ketamine is best suited for short proced. With addit. doses, or by IV infus., Ketamine can be used for long. proced. If skelet. muscle relax. is desired, a muscle relax. should be used and respirat. should be supported. For the induct.of anesthes. prior to the admin. of other gener. anesthet. agents. To supplem. other anesthet. agents. Specific areas of applicat. or types of procedures: When the IM route of admin. is preferred. Debridement, painful dressings, and skin grafting in burned pts., as well as other superficial surg. proced. Neurodiagnost. proced. such as pneumoencephalograms, ventriculograms, myelograms, and lumbar punctures. Diagnostic & operat. proced. of the eye, ear, nose, & mouth, includ. dental extract. Note: Eye movement. may persist during ophthalmolog. procedures. Anaesthesia in poor-risk pts. with depress. of vital funct. or where depress. of vital funct. must be avoided, if at all possible. Orthopaed. proced. such as closed reduct. , manipulat., femoral pinning, amputations, & biopsies. Sigmoidoscopy and minor surg. of the anus & rectum, circumcise. & pilonidal sinus. Cardiac catheterizat. proced. Caesarian sect. ; as an induct. agent in the absence of elevat. blood pres. Anaesthesia in the asthmat. pts., either to minimise the risks of an attack of bronchospasm develop., or in the presence of bronchospasm where anaesthesia cannot be delayed.
C/I: Pts. in whom a signific. elevat. of blood pres. would constitute a serious hazard and in those who have shown hypersens. to the drug.