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  • Isoflurane
    2 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

    All the Active Ingredient Drugs

    partial basket chart

    General Anesthetic. Isoflurane 100%.
    LIQ FOR INH: 6 X 100 ml. Inspired
    conc. 1.5-3.0% produce surg. anesth. in
    7-10 mins. See lit.
    Induct. and maint. gen. Anesthes.
    C/I: Hypersens. to Isoflurane or other
    halogenated anaesthetics,
    pts with known or susp. genetic
    susceptib. to malignant hyperthermia.

    Isoflurane USP, Terrell Tm
    Pharma Medis
    partial basket chart
    Isoflurane USP, Terrell Tm

    Halogenated Anesthetic. Isoflurane 100%.
    BOTTLE( Sol.  for inhal.): 100, 250 ml. Dosage must be ajust. individual.
    Isoflurane is indicated as a general anesthetic by inhal.
    C/I: Hypersens. to isoflurane or other halogen halogenated anaesthetics. Pts. with known or suspected genetic susceptib.to malig. hyperthermia.