All the Active Ingredient Drugs
General Anesthetic. Isoflurane 100%. LIQ FOR INH: 6 X 100 ml. Inspired
conc. 1.5-3.0% produce surg. anesth. in
7-10 mins. See lit.
Induct. and maint. gen. Anesthes.
C/I: Hypersens. to Isoflurane or other
halogenated anaesthetics,
pts with known or susp. genetic
susceptib. to malignant hyperthermia.
Isoflurane USP, Terrell Tm
Pharma Medis
Isoflurane USP, Terrell Tm
Halogenated Anesthetic. Isoflurane 100%. BOTTLE( Sol. for inhal.): 100, 250 ml. Dosage must be ajust. individual.
Isoflurane is indicated as a general anesthetic by inhal.
C/I: Hypersens. to isoflurane or other halogen halogenated anaesthetics. Pts. with known or suspected genetic malig. hyperthermia.