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  • Propofol
    4 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

    All the Active Ingredient Drugs

    Diprofol 1%
    not in the basket chart
    Diprofol 1%

    General Anesthetic. Propofol 10 mg/ml.
    VIALS: 50 ml, 100 ml x 10 mg/ml. See lit.
    Induc. and mainten. of gener.
    anaesthesia In adults and child. > 1 m.
    Sedat. Of ventilated pts.> 16 yrs. Of age
    In the intens. care unit. Sedat. for
    diagnos. and surg. proced., alone or in
    comb. With local or regional anaesthesia
    in Adults & children > 1 mnth.
    C/I: Hypersens. to the active substance
    or to any of the excipients. Pts. WITH
    hypersens. to peanut or soya. Pts. of 16
    yrs. of age or younger for sedation in
    intens. care.

    Diprofol 2%
    not in the basket chart
    Diprofol 2%

    General Anesthetic. Propofol 20 mg/ml.
    VIALS (emuls. for I.V. inject.): 50 ml, 100
    ml. See lit.
    Induct. and mainten. of general
    anesthesia in adult. &child. > 3 yrs.
    Sedat. of ventilated pts. >16 years of age
    in the intens. care unit. Sedat. for diagn.
    and surg. procedures, alone or in comb.
    with local or regional anaesthesia in
    adult/child. > 3 years.
    C/I: Hypersens., to the active substance
    or To any of the excipients. Pts. with
    hypersens. to peanut or soya. Pts. of 16
    yrs. of age or younger for sedation in
    intens. care.

    Propofol – Lipuro 1%
    not in the basket chart
    Propofol – Lipuro 1%

    General Anesthetic. Propofol 10 mg/ml.
    AMPS: 5 x 20 ml.
    VIALS: 1 x 50 ml, 100 ml. See lit.
    Short act. I.V. anesthet. for maint. and
    induct. gen. anesthet. in adults. sed. for pts.
    in I.C.U., anesthet. in ped. surg. for proced.
    of not more than 1 hr. (for child 3 yrs and

    Propofol – Lipuro 2%
    not in the basket chart
    Propofol – Lipuro 2%

    General Anesthetic. Propofol 20 mg/ml.
    VIALS (IV emuls.): 1,10 x 50 ml. See lit.
    Short act. I.V. anesthet. for maint. and
    induct. gen. anesthet. in adults. sed. for pts.
    in I.C.U., anesthet. in ped. surg. for proced.
    of not more than 1 hr. (for child 3 yrs and