All the Drug Class Drugs
Anti-Androgen. Cyproterone (acetate) 10 mg. TABS: 15 x 10 mg. Start on 1st day of
menstrual cycle. 1 tab. with 1 Diane 35
tab. dly. for 15 days. Cont. with Diane 35
tabs. for further 6 days, then tab. free
for 7 days.
Mod. severe signs of androgenization in
Anti-Androgen. Bicalutamide 150 mg. F.C. TABS: 30 x 50 mg, 150 mg. Swallow
whole with liq. Adult males (incl.
elderly): 50/150 mg 1 x dly at same
time, morn/even. Ren. impair., mild
hepat. impair: No dos. adjust necess.
See lit.
Advanced prostate cancer in comb. with
LHRH analog ther. or surg. castrat.
C/I: Hypersens., co-admin with
terfenadine, astemizole, cisapride.
Anti-Androgen. Bicalutamide 50 mg. F.C. TABS: 30 x 50 mg, 150 mg. Swallow
whole with liq. Adult males (incl.
elderly): 50/150 mg 1 x dly at same
time, morn/even. Ren. impair., mild
hepat. impair: No dos. adjust necess.
See lit.
Advanced prostate cancer in comb. with
LHRH analog ther. or surg. castrat.
C/I: Hypersens., co-admin with
terfenadine, astemizole, cisapride.
Anti-Androgen. Bicalutamide 150 mg. TABS: 30. Adult males, incl. elderly: 1
tab 1 x dly for at least 2 yrs or until
disease progression. Ren. impair./mild
hepat. impair: No dose adjust. needed.
Mod.-severe hepat. impair: Incr.
accumulat. may occur.
Locally advanced prostate cancer (T3-T4,
any N, M0; T1-T2, N+, M0) as immediate
ther. either alone or as adjuvant to tmt by
radical prostatect./radiother. Manage.
locally advanced, non-metastat. prostate
cancer for whom surgical castrat./other
medical intervent. not considered
appropriate or acceptable.
C/I: Women, children, known
hypersens., co-admin with terfenadine,
astemizole, cisapride.
Anti-Androgen. Bicalutamide 50 mg. TABS: 30. Adult males, incl. elderly: 1
tab 1 x dly. Tmt. should start at least 3
days bef. commenc. tmt with an LHRH
analog., or during surg. castrat. Ren.
impair./mild hepat. impair: No dose
adjust. needed. Mod.-severe hepat.
impair: Incr. accumulat. may occur.
Tmt. advanced prostate cancer in comb.
with LHRH analog. ther/surg. castrat.
C/I: Women, children, known
hypersens., co-admin. with terfenadine,
astemizole, cisapride.
Anti-Androgen. Bicalutamide 150 mg. TABS: 28. Adult males incl. elderly: 1 x
dly. To be taken contin. for at least 2
yrs or until dis. progress. Ren. impair:
No dos. adjust. necess. Hepat. impair:
No dos. adjust. necess. in mild hepat.
impair. Mod.-severe hep. impair:
Increased accumulat. may occur.
Should be used with caution in this
Local. advanced prostate cancer (T3-T4,
any N, MO; T1-T2, N+, MO) as immed. ther.
either alone or as adjuvant to tmt. by
radical prostatect. or radiother. Manag.
pts. with locally advanced, non-metastat.
prostate cancer for whom surg. castrat. or
other med. intervent. is not considered
appropriate or acceptable.
C/I: Hypersens., females, child,
co-admin. of terfenadine, astemizole,