All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Anti-Androgen. Cyproterone (acetate) 10 mg. TABS: 15 x 10 mg. Start on 1st day of
menstrual cycle. 1 tab. with 1 Diane 35
tab. dly. for 15 days. Cont. with Diane 35
tabs. for further 6 days, then tab. free
for 7 days.
Mod. severe signs of androgenization in
Anti-Androgen. Cyproterone 2 mg, Ethinylestradiol 35 mcg. COATED TABS: 21. 1 tab. dly. for 21 days,
starting 1st day of menstrual cycle.
See lit.
Signs of androgenization in women:
Pronounced forms acne, androgenat.
alopecia, mild forms hirsutism.
C/I Hypersens.
Concom. use with another hormone. contraceptive.
VT present or in history (DVT, PE)
Arter. thrombos. present or in hist. (e.g. MI) or prodromal conditions (e.g.angina p.and TIA).
Presence or hist. of cerebrovasc.accident
The presence of a severe or multiple risk factor(s) for venous/ arterial thrombos. such as: diabetes mell. with vasc. sympt., severe hypertens., severe dyslipoproteinaemia
Heredit. or acquired predisposit. for venous/ arterial thrombosis, such as activated protein C.
(APC) resistance, antithrombin-III-defic., protein C defic., protein S defic., hyperhomocysteinaemia and antiphospholipid-antibodies (anticardiolipin-antibodies, lupus anticoagulant).
History of migraine with focal neurology. sympt.
Presence or hist.of severe hep. dis.e.g. active viral hepatitis and severe cirrhosis, as long as liver funct. values have not returned to normal.
Presence or history of liver tumours (benign or malignant).
Current or history of breast canc.
Meningioma or history of meningioma.
Known or suspected preg.
Anti-Androgen, Estrogen. Cyproterone (acetate) 2 mg, Ethinylestradiol 0.035 mg. TABS: 21, 3 x 21. 1 tab. dly. for 21 days,
starting 1st day of menstrual cycle.
Signs of androgenization in women.
pronounced forms of acne, androgenic
alopecia and mild forms of hirsutism.
C/I: Hypersens.; Concomit. use
hormone. contracept.; Preg., Possible
pregn., lact.; Present/hist. of breast.
canc.; Thrombosis.; Present/hist. of lower extremet. thrombos.; Present/hist,
of pulmon. embol.; Cardiac. dis. (e.g.,
ang. pect., TIA).; Present/ histor. MI
attack or stroke.; Chron. condit. that
affect blood vessels (e.g diabetes).;
Hyperlipidemia, hypertens., migraine
with aura.; Present/hist. of hepat. dis.;
Hepat. tumors.