All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Antibiotics. Erythromycin 2%. SOLN (dab-on bottle): 25 ml. Adults and
children above 12 years of age: Apply
twice daily.
Acne vulgaris.
C/I: Known hypersens to erythromycin.
Antibiotics. Erythromycin 2%. SOLN: 25 ml. 2 x dly. to affect. areas.
Antibiotics, Tretinoid. Erythromycin 4 g / 100 g, Tretinoin (See Vit. A) 0.025 g / 100 g. SOLN: 25 ml. Apply to affect area 1-2 x
All forms acne, non-inflamm. with
comedones, inflamm. with papules and
pustules, espec. in fat rich skin.
C/I: Hypersens., fam. history cutan.
epitheliom., acute ecz., rosacea, acute
inflamm. conds. espec. round mouth,
sunburn, concom, with other keratolyt.
Macrolide. Erythromycin 1 g/vial. VIAL: 1 x 1 g. 15-20 mg/kg/day. Severe
infects: Up to 4 g.
Bact. infects. req. I.V. tmt.
C/I: Hypersens. to erythromycin.
See lit.