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  • Renal and Bladder Disorders
    39 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

    All the Therapeutic System Drugs

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    Alkalinizing Agent. Potassium Citrate 330 mg, Sodium Citrate 300 mg.
    COAT. TABS: 180. 2 tabs. 3 x dly. 1/2 hr. aft. meals.
    Urin. alk. in pyelit., pyuria, urethrit.,
    acidosis assoc. with diabetes.

    Amitriptyline Teva
    Teva Israel LTD, Israel
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    Amitriptyline Teva

    TCA. Amitriptyline 10 mg.
    FC tab.X 28
    Major depress. disord.  Tmt. should be init. at low level and incr. grad., noting carefully clinic. resp. and evidence of intolerab. Adlts.: init. 25 mg 2 times/d (50 mg/d). If necessary, can be incr. by 25 mg every other d. up to 150 mg/d div.in 2 doses.
    Nocturnal enuresis ped. pop.
    • childr. aged 6 to 10: 10 mg – 20 mg/d. A suitable dosage form should be used for this age group.
    • childr. aged 11 and above: 25 mg – 50 mg/d. Dose should be incr. grad. To be admin. 1-1½ hours before bedtime
    Relief of symptoms of depress. Endogenous depress. is more likely to be
    alleviated than other depress. states.
    Enuresis nocturna

    C/I: Recent MI. Any degree of heart block or disord. of cardiac rhythm and coron. artery insuff./ Concom. tmt. with MAOIs. Tmt. with amitriptyline may start 14 days after discont. of irrevers. non- select. MAOIs and min. one d. after discont. of the revers. moclobemide. Tmt. with MAOIs may be introd. 14 days after discont. of amitriptyline/Sev. liver dis./Childr. under 12 years of age.

    partial basket chart

    Recombinant Human Erythropoietin. Darbepoetin Alfa 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 150, 300, 500 mcg.
    PREFILL. SYRINGES (for single use only, with/out automat. needle guard): 4 x 10 μg; 20 μg; 30 μg; 40 μg; 50 μg; 60 μg; 80 μg; 100 μg, 150 μg; 1 x 300 μg, 500 μg. For I.V. and S.C. admin. Similar efficacy in I.V. and S.C. admin.
    PREFILL. PEN (SureClick) (single use only): 1 x 20 μg, 40 μg, 60 μg, 80 μg, 100 μg,150 μg, 300 μg, 500 μg. S.C. admin only.
    Tmt. anem. assoc. with chron. ren. fail. in adults and pediatric subjects 1 yrs of age and over. Aranesp 150, 300, 500 -also tmt. anem. in adult cancer pts. with non-myeloid malignancies receiv. chemother.
    Hpersenes. Poorly control. hypertens.

    partial basket chart

    Urinary Antispasmodic. Mirabegron 25 mg, 50 mg.
    PROLONG REL. TABS.: 30×25, 50 mg.
    Adult. (include. elder. pts.) 50 mg once
    daily with/without food.
    Sympt. tmt. of urgency, incr. micturition
    freq. and/or urgency incont. as may occur
    in adult pts. with OAB syndr.
    C/I: Hypersens.


    partial basket chart

    Recombinant Human Erythropoietin. Epoeitin Alpha 1,000 IU/0.5 ml, 2,000 IU/1 ml, 3,000 IU/0.3 ml, 4,000 IU/0.4 ml, 5,000 IU/0.5 ml, 6,000 IU/0.6 ml, 8,000 IU/0.8 ml, 10,000 IU/1 ml, 20,000 IU/0.5 ml, 30,000 IU/0.75 ml, 40,000 IU/1 ml.
    Prefilled syringes (ready to
    use):1,6×1000IU/0.5ml, 2000IU/1ml,
    3000IU/0.3ml, 4000IU/0.4ml,
    5000IU/0.5ml, 6000IU/0.6ml,
    8000IU/0.8ml, 10000IU/1ml,
    20000IU/0.5ml, 30000IU/0.75ml &
    Tmt. and dosage has to be initiated
    and adjust. individ. for each pt. accord.
    to the med. condit.
    Tmt. of symptom. anaemia assoc.with
    chron.renal fail.(CRF) in adult and
    paediatric pts.:- Tmt. of anaemia assoc.
    with chron. ren. fail.in paed. and adult pts.
    on haemodialysis and adult pts. on
    periton. dialysis.- Tmt. of sev. anaemia of
    renal origin accomp. by clin. sympt. in
    adult pts. with ren. insuffic. not yet
    undergoing dialysis. Tmt. of anaemia and
    reduct. of transfus. requirem. in adult pts.
    receiv. chemother. for solid tumour.,
    malign. lymphoma or multiple myeloma,
    and at risk of transfus. as assessed by the
    patient’s gener. status (e.g. cardiovascular
    status, pre existing anaemia at the start of
    chemother.). Binocrit can be used to
    increase the yield of autologous blood from pts. in a predonation programme. Its
    use in this indicat. must be balanced
    against the reported risk of thromboemb.
    events. Tmt. should only be given to noniron
    defic. pts. with moder. anaem.
    (haemoglobin (Hb) 10 13 g/dl (6.2 8.1
    mmol/l)), if blood saving procedur. are not
    available or insuffic. when the scheduled
    major elect. surg. requires a large volume
    of blood (4 or more units of blood for
    females or 5 or more units for males). The
    drug can be used to reduce exposure to
    allogeneic blood transfus. in adult non
    iron defic. pts. prior to major elective
    orthopaedic surg., having a high perceived
    risk for transfus. complicat. Use should be
    restricted to pts. with moder. anaemia (e.g.
    Hb 10 13 g/dl) who do not have an
    autolog. predonation programme
    available and with an expect. blood loss of
    900 to 1800 ml.
    C/I: Hypersens., pts. who develop PRCA
    follow. tmt. with any erythropoietin
    should not receive this drug or any other

    Other therapeutic systems under Genito-Urinary System