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  • Potassium Citrate
    2 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

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    Alkalinizing Agent. Potassium Citrate 330 mg, Sodium Citrate 300 mg.
    COAT. TABS: 180. 2 tabs. 3 x dly. 1/2 hr. aft. meals.
    Urin. alk. in pyelit., pyuria, urethrit.,
    acidosis assoc. with diabetes.

    Urocit-K 10 Meq
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    Urocit-K 10 Meq

    Potassium Supplement. Potassium Citrate 1,080 mg.
    TABS.: 100. Severe Hypocitraturia (urinary citrate < 150 mg/d): initiat. 60 mEq /day (30 mEq ×2//d or 20 mEq ×3/ d with meals or within 30 min. after meals or bedtime snack). Mild- Moder. Hypocitraturia (urinary citrate > 150 mg/d.): initiat. at 30 mEq/d (10 mEq ×3/d with meals or within 30 min.  after meals or bedtime snack). Monitor serum electrolytes, serum Cr and complete blood counts every 4 mnths. and more frequent.  in pts. with card. dis. , renal dis. or acidosis. Perform ECG periodically. See lit.
    For the manag. of: Renal tubular acidosis (RTA) with calcium stones. Hypocitraturic calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis of any etiology. Uric acid lithiasis with /without calcium stones.
    C/I: Hypersens. In pts.  with hyperkalem. (or who have condit.  pre-dispos.  them to hyperkalem.), as a further rise in serum K+concentrate. Pts. in whom there is cause for arrest or delay in tablet passage through the GI tract. Pts. with pept. ulcer dis. Pts .with active UTI (with either urea-splitt.  or other organisms, in associate. with either calcium or struvite stones). Pts. with renal insuffic. (glomerular filtrat.  rate of less than 0.7 ml/kg/min).