Drugs Disributed by Taro International Ltd
: Nucleoside & Guanosine Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor. Lamivudine 300 mg, Abacavir 600 mg. TABS.:30. The recomm. dosage for adult.& child. over the age of 12 wt. at least 40 kg, is one tab., once dly. See lit.
Indicated in antiretrovir. comb. ther. for the tmt. of (HIV) infect. in adult., adolesc. and child. weigh. at least 25 kg.
C/I: Hypersens.
Retinoids. Adapalene 1 mg (0.1%), Benzoyl Peroxide 25 mg (2.5%). TOPICAL GEL: 30 g. For extern. use only. Thin layer of gel evenly over acne (pimples) affected areas should be appl. once dly., at bdtme. on a clean dry skin.
Eyes, lips, nostrils contact should be avoid. See lit.
Cutaneous tmt. of acne vulgaris when comedones, papules and pustules are present.
C/I: Hypersens.
Women who are preg. or suspect. to be preg.
Proteasome Inhibitor. Bortezomib 3.5 mg. VIAL (Pwdr. for sol. for inj.): 1×3.5 mg. Dosage should be ajust. individ. See lit.
Multiple Myeloma.
Mantle Cell Lymphoma: For the tmt. of pts/ with mantle cell lymphoma who have received at least one prior ther.
Bortezomib in comb. with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin & prednisone is indicated for the tmt. of adult pts. with previous. untreat. mantle cell lymphoma who are unsuitable for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
C/I: Hypers. to bortezomib, boron or mannitol. Acute diffuse infiltrative pulmon. and pericard. dis. Intrathecal admin.
NSAID. Bromfenac (as sodium sesquihydrate) 0.075% w/w. ophtalmic sol. 5ml. One drop appl. to the affect. eye twice daily (morn. and even.) 1 day prior to surg., the day of surg., and 14 days post-surg. To be admin. at least 5 min. after other topic. medic.
tmt. of postoper. inflam. and prevent. of ocular pain in adlt pts. undergoing cataract surg.
Protein Kinase Inhibitor. Dasatinib 20, 50, 70, 80, 100, 140 mg. FC tabs:60 X 20,50,70 mg; 30X80,100,140 mg. Recomm. starting dose for chronic phase CML is 100 mg dasatinib dly.
Recomm. starting dose for acceler., myeloid or lymphoid blast phase (adv. phase) CML or Ph+ ALL is 140 mg once daily. See lit.
Newly diagn. Philadelphia chromos. posit. (Ph+) chron. myelogenous leuk. (CML) in the chron. phase. in adlts.
Chron., accel. or blast phase CML in adlts. with resist. or intoler. to prior ther. includ. imatinib mesilate.
Ph+ acute lymphoblastic leuk. (ALL) and lymphoid blast CML in adlts. with resist. or intol. to prior ther.
Interleukin Inhibitor. Tildrakizumab 100 mg / 1 ml. PREFILL. SYRINGE:100 mg 100 mg SC inj. at wks. 0, and 4, every 12 wks. thereafter.
Tmt. of adult. with mod.-sev. plaque psoriasis who are candidates for syst. ther. or photother.
C/I: Hypersens. Clinic. import. active infect., e.g. active tubercul.