Who are we?
Medici was established in 2005.
Medici proficiency
Medici specializing in importing, marketing and distribution of pharmaceutical biological products, blood products, OTCֲ and Homeopathic remedies.
Our mission
supporting our international partners in reaching their business and strategy goals in the Israeli market by leveraging our experience, professionalism and market knowledge.
Drugs Disributed by Medici Medical Ltd, Israel
Haemophilus Influenzae type b 10 mcg / 0.5 ml. VIALS: (pwdr.) 1 + syringe: 0.5 ml. I.M or
S.C. route. See lit.
Prevent. in inf. against invas. dis.
caused by H. influenza type B such as
meningit., septicem., cellulit., arthrit.,
C/I: Hypersens., espec. tetanus protein.
Tetanus Toxoid 5 Lf, Diphtheria Toxoid 2 Lf, Pertussis Toxoid 2.5 mcg, Filamentous Haemagglutinin 5 mcg, Pertactin 3 mcg, Fimbriae Types 2+3 5 mcg. VIAL: 1, 5 x 0.5 ml. Admin I.M. into
deltoid musc. See lit.
Active booster immunizat. against
diphth., tetanus and pertussis in ages
4-64 yrs.
C/I: Known system. hypersens. to any
compon. vaccine aft. prev. admin.
Encephalopathy not attributable to
another identifiable cause within 7 days of admin. prev. dose of any vaccine cont.
pertussis antigens (whole cell or
acellular). Progress. neurolog. disords.,
uncontroll. epilepsy, progress.
encephalopath. until tmt. regimen
established. Febrile or acute illness.
Diphtheria Toxoid Not less than 2 IU, Tetanus Immuneglobulin 5 Lf, Pertussis Toxoid 2.5 mcg, Filamentous Haemagglutinin 5 mcg, Fimbriae Types 2+3 5 mcg, Pertactin 3 mcg, Poliomyelitis Virus Type 1 40 D-antigen units, Poliomyelitis Virus Type 2 8 D-antigen units, Poliomyelitis Virus Type 3 32 D-antigen units. PRE-FILLED SYRINGES (susp. for inject.):
1, 10, 20. Starting from age 3, a single
I.M. 0.5 ml dose, in deltoid muscle,
applies to all age groups.
Active booster immunisat. for prevent.
diphth., tetanus, pertussis and polio,
from 3 yrs and over.
C/I: Hypersens., anaphylact./allerg.
reacts. to similar vaccine,
encephalopath. of unknown origin
within 7 days of prev. immunisat. dose
of any vaccine cont. pertussis antigens
(whole cell or acellular). Progress.
neurolog. disords., uncontroll. epilepsy,
progress. encephalopath. until tmt.
regimen established. Febrile or acute
illness. See lit.
Hepatitis A Virus Antigen (Inactivated) 80 U / 0.5 ml. SUSP. FOR INJECT. (single dose prefilled
syringe): 1. Prim. vaccinat: 0.5 ml.
Booster within 6-8 mths. foll. initial dose.
I.M. in deltoid. See lit.
SUSP. FOR INJECT. (multidose vial): 10 x
0.5 ml. As above
Active immunizat. against hepatit. A
virus in child 12 mths-15 yrs (inclus.).
C/I: Hypersens. to active ingred.,
neomycin, polysorbate, foll. prev. inject.
Feber, acute/chron. evolv. dis. See lit.
Human Coagulation Factor VIII 25, 50, 100 IU/ml. VIAL: 1 x 250 IU, 500 IU, 1,000 IU (+ 10 ml
solv. in prefill. syringe). Adjust dose and
durat. accord. to pts needs.
Prevent. and control bleed. in mod. or
severe Factor VIII defic., due to classic.
hemophil. A. Not effect. in control. bleed.
Von Willebrand’s dis.
C/I: Allergic. reacts. to constits.
Human Normal Immunoglobulin 0.5 g / 10 ml. VIALS: 1 x 0.5 g, 2.5 g, 5 g, 10 g. See lit.
Replacement ther. in: Prim. immunodefic.
synds. such as: congen.
hypogammaglobulinem; common
variable immunodefic.; severe combined
immunodefic.; Wiscott Aldrich syndr.
Myeloma/chron. lympocyt. leukem. with
severe second. hypogammaglobuline.
and recurr. infects. Child with congenital
AIDS and recurr. infects.
Immunomodulat: ITP in child or adults at
high risk of bleed./prior to surgery to
correct the platelet count. Guillain Barre
syndr., Kawasaki dis., allogeneic bone
marrow transplant.
C/I: History anaphylact. or severe
system. response to I.M./I.V.
immunoglob. preps.