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Drugs Disributed by Lundbeck Israel Ltd
Atypical Antipsychotic. Aripiprazole (as monohydrate) 300 mg, 400 mg. PRE-FILLED SYR. (pwdr.+ solvent for prolong. -release susp.): 1,3. Recom. init. & mainten. dose: 400 mg. once mnthly. as a single inj. (no sooner than 26 d after the previous inj.). After the 1st inj., tmt. with 10 mg-20 mg oral aripiprazole should be cont. for 14 consec. days to maintain therapeutic aripiprazole concent. during init. of ther. See lit.
Maintenan. tmt. of schizophrenia in adult pts. stabilised with oral aripiprazole.
C/I: Hypersens.
Antidepressants. Vortioxetine (as Hydrobromide) 5, 10, 15, 20 mg. F.C. TABS.: 7, 14, 28. Start. and recom. dose of 10 mg×1/d adult. <65 yrs. of age. Depend. on individ. response, the dose may be incr.to a max. of 20 mg×1/d or decr. to a minim. of 5 mg ×1/d . After the depress. sympt. resolve, tmt. for at least 6 mths. is recomm. for consolidation of the antidepressive response. Elderly: initial 5 mg dly, caution when treat. Pt. with higher than 10 mg doses. Pediatrics: Not recommend. in child. Cyt P450
inhibitors, Cyt P450 inducers: a lower dose of vortioxetine may be considered. Treat. discont. w/o the need for grad. reduc. See lit.
Tmt. of major depressive episodes in adults.
C/I: Hypersens.Concom. use with nonselec. MAOIs or selective MAO-A inhib.
SSRI. Escitalopram (as Oxalate) 10, 15, 20 mg. F.C. TABS: 28. Single dly dose with/
without food. Depress: Usual dose: 10
mg 1 x dly. Depend. on individ.
response, dose may be incr. to max. of
20 mg dly. Panic disords: Initial: 5 mg
for 1st wk. bef. incr. dose to 10 mg dly.
Depend on individ. response may incr.
to max. of 20 mg dly. Elderly (> 65 yrs.):
1/2 initial dose and lower max. dose.
See lit.
Depress., panic disords., gen. anxiety
disord. (GAD), social anxiety disord. (SAD).
C/I: Serotonin syndr., child under 18 yrs.,
lact. See lit.
SSRI. Citalopram (as hydrobromide) 20 mg, 40 mg. TABS: (blister pack): 28 x 20 mg, 40 mg.
Single dly. dose. Initial: 20 mg dly to a max. of 40 mg dly. Over 65 yrs: 1/2 recommend.
dose (10-20 mg dly). Effects usually set in aft. 2-4 wks. Not for child./adolesc. < 18 yrs.
See lit.
Tmt. states of depression, panic disords.
C/I: Combined use of 5-HT agonists with
an SSRI, hypersens. to compon. Pts.
receiv. MAOI’s. See lit.
Antipsychotic. Zuclopenthixol (acetate) 50 mg/ml. AMPS: 1, 10 x 1 ml x 50 mg/ml; 1, 10 x 2
ml x 50 mg/ml. 50-150 mg I.M. May
need to repeat after 24-48 hrs. Maint:
Cont. with Clopixol oral or depot. See
lit. Elderly: May have to reduce. Child:
Not recommend.
Initial tmt. acute psychoses.
C/I: As for other neuroleptics., intol. to
thioxanthenes. See lit.
Antipsychotic. Zuclopenthixol (decanoate) 200 mg/ml, 500 mg/ml. AMPS: 1, 10 x 1 ml x 200 mg, 1, 5 x 1 ml
x 500 mg. Deep I.M. initially: 200 mg
every 2-4 wks. Maint: 200-400 mg
every 2-4 wks. See lit. Elderly: May
have to reduce. Child: not
Maint. tmt. acute schizophren. and other
psychoses espec. where oral med. a
C/I: As for other neuroleptics., intol. to
thioxanthenes. See lit.