All the Drug Class Drugs
Taxane. Docetaxel 10 mg/ml. VIAL (Conc. for sol. for infus): 1 x 2 ml, 8
ml, 16 ml. I.V. use only, after dilut.
Adjust accord. indicat. See lit.
Breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer,
ovarian, prostate, esophageal, gastric
cancer, head & neck (SCCHN). See lit.
C/I: Hypersens., pts. with baseline
neutrophil count <1,500 cells/mm3.
Taxane. Paclitaxel 6 mg/ml. MULTIDOSE VIAL: 1 x 5 ml, 16.7 ml, 25
ml, 50 ml.
mg/100 ml. 135 mg/m², 175 mg/m² or
210 mg/m² I.V. cont. infus. over 24 hrs
or over 3 hrs. respectively every 3 wks.
accord. to cond. To be adjust. accord.
to pt. indicat., gen. cond., card/hepat.
funct., chemother. blood count. See lit.
Alone or in comb. tmt advanced
carcinoma ovary; metastat. breast cancer
aft. fail. comb. chemother.; prior ther. to
have incl. anthracycline, unless clin.
contraind.; adjuvant tmt. node +tve breast
cancer admin. sequent. to standard
doxorubicin cont. comb. chemother.
advanced NSCLC; second line tmt of AIDS
related Kaposi’s sarcoma, tmt. advanced
gastric carcinoma.
Taxane. Cabazitaxel 60 mg / 1.5 ml. VIAL: 1 + diluent.
Dilute single use vial 2 x prior to
admin. 25 mg/m² as 1 hr. infus. every 3
wks in comb. with 10 mg oral
prednisone admin. dly throughout
tmt. If adverse reacts., reduce dose to
20 mg/m². See lit.
In comb. with prednisone in metastat.
hormone-refract. prostate cancer
(mHRPC) prev. treated with docetaxel
based tmt. regimen.
C/I: Neutrophil counts less or eq. to
1,500/mm³, severe hypersens. to
compon. or drugs cont. polysorbate 80.
Category: 9b. Menorrhagia.
Taxane. Paclitaxel 6 mg/ml. VIALS (sol. for inject.): 10 x 5 ml, 5 x 16.7
ml, 4 x 50 ml. See lit.
Advanced carcinoma ovary, alone or in
comb., metastat breast cancer, aft. fail.
comb. ther., prior ther. should have incl. an
anthracycline unless clinically contraind.,
adjuvant tmt. node-positive breast cancer
admin. sequentially to standard
doxorubicin-cont. comb. chemother.,
advanced non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC), assoc. with cisplatinum in pts.
who are not candidates for potentially
curative surg. and/or radiat. ther., second
line tmt. AIDS-related Kaposi’s sarcoma.
Advanced gastric cancer.