All the Drug Class Drugs
Retinoid. Isotretinoin 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 mg. SOFT CAPS: 30, 60. See lit.
Severe recalcitrant nodular acne.
C/I: Pregn., lact., hepat. and renal
insuffic., hypervit. A, excess. elevated
blood lipid, hypersens. Not to be taken
with tetracycl.
Retinoid. Adapalene 1 mg, Benzoyl Peroxide 25 mg. TUBE (gel): 15, 30, 60 g.
PUMP (gel): 15, 30, 45, 60 g.
Should be appl. to the entire acne affected areas once a day in the eve. on a clean and dry skin. A thin film of gel should be appl. with the fingertips, avoid. the eyes and lips.
If irritat. occurs, the pt. should be directed to apply non-comedogenic moisturizers, to use the medic. less frequent. (e.g. every other day), to suspend use temporarily, or to discont. use altogether.
The duration of tmt. should be determin. by the doctor on the basis of the clinic. condition. Early signs of clinical improve. usually appear after 1-4 wks. of tmt.
The safety and effectiv. not been stud. in child. below 9 yrs. of age.
Cutaneous tmt. of Acne vulgaris when comedones, papules & pustules are present.
C/I: Hypersens.
Retinoid. Adapalene 0.3% w/w, Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% w/w. GEL; 15/30/60 g
To be applied once/d in the evening to affected areas of face
and trunk on a clean and dry skin.
Durat. of tmt. to be based on clin. condit. and resp. to tmt.
Early signs of improvem. usually appear after 1 to 4 weeks.
If no improvem. is seen after 4-8 weeks, reconsider. Not tested in chldr. younger than 12 years.
Tmt. of mod. to sev. acne vulgaris with comedones and numerous
papules and pustules.
C/I: pregn. or planning, hypersens.
Retinoid. Isotretinoin 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg. Soft gel caps 30 X 5/10/20/40 mg
Capsules to be taken with food 1 once or twice /d. Adults and adolescents>12:Start at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg dly. Adjust dose indiv. For most pts., from 0.5-1.0 mg/kg/d. Long-term remission and relapse rates are more closely rel. to total dose admin. than to either duration of tmt. or dly. dose. No substant. addit. benefit to be expected beyond a cumulative dose of 120-150 mg/kg. Duration of tmt. will depend on dly. dose. A tmt. course of 16-24 weeks is normally suffic. to achieve remission. In the majority of pts., complete clearing of acne is obtained with a sgle. course. In the event of a definite relapse at least 8 weeks after discontinuat., a further course may be considered using same dly. and cumulative dose.
For the tmt. of sev. cystic acne that does not respond to other tmt.
C/I: Hypersens.
Pregn. or breastf.
Women of childbearing potent. unless all of the condit. of the Pregn. Prevent. Progr.are met. Teratogenic
• hepatic insuffic.
• excess. elev. blood lipid values
• hypervitaminosis A
• concomitant treatment with tetracyclines