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  • Quinolone
    12 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    partial basket chart

    Quinolone. Ciprofloxacin (as HCl) 3 mg/ml.
    EYE AND EAR DROPS (SOL.): 5 ml.
    Adults and child from 1 yr:
    Corneal ulc.: 2 drops every 15 mins. for
    first 6 hrs., then 2 drops every 30 mins.
    for rest of day. 2nd day: 2 drops hrly.
    On 3rd-14th day: 2 drops every 4 hrs.
    for up to 14 days.
    Bact. conjunct: 1-2 drops into conjuct.
    sac(s) every 2 hrs. for 2 days, then 1-2
    drops every 4 hrs. for next 5 days.
    Otic use: 3 to 4 drops, 2-4 /d, or more
    frequently, if required.
    In gen., the duration of tmt does not
    exceed 5-10 ds.
    For either ind. a max. duration of ther.
    of 21 days is recommend.
    Corneal ulc., conjunct. caused by suscep.
    gram pos., gram neg. microorg. for adults
    and ped. pts > 1 yr.
    For local./diff. otitis externa accomp. by a
    strong inflamm. react. and of which the
    strains are suscept., and for the acute flare-up of a chronic otitis media. In this
    case, a mucopurulent secret.
    In other infect. of the ear in which
    Pseudom. aerug. and/or other suscept.
    strains may be suspect., it can be used
    under the strict superv. of an ear specialist.
    It must be understood that this is not a
    routine tmt and improper use must be
    C/I: Hypersens. to the product or other

    Cipro-Teva 2 mg/ml
    not in the basket chart
    Cipro-Teva 2 mg/ml

    Fluoroquinolones, Quinolone. Ciprofloxacin (as lactate) 2 mg/ml.
    BOTTLE: 10, 24 × 100 ml, 200 ml. Dosage ajust. accord. to the type of infec.
    Adults: Broad spectrum antibiotic for infec. caused by ciprofloxacin sensit. pathogens.
    Child. & adolesc.: Broncho-pulmon., infec. in cystic fibrosis (CF) caused by Pseudomonas a.
    Complic. UTS’s and pyelonephritis.
    Inhalation anthrax (post-exposure prophylax. & curative tmt.).
    Ciprofloxacin may also be used to treat severe infec. in child. & adolesc. when there is no other alternative.
    Tmt. should be init. only by physicians who are experienced in the tmt. of CF and/or severe infec. in child. & adolesc.
    C/I: Hypersens. to the active ingredient/ other quinolones. Concom. admin. of ciprofloxacin and tizanidine.

    not in the basket chart

    Quinolone. Levofloxacin (as Hemihydrate) 500 mg.
    TABS: 5. 1 tab 1-2 x dly for up to 14
    Mild to mod. infects. incl. acute sinusit.,
    acute chron. bronchit., common acq.
    pneumon., complicat. urin. tract infects.,
    skin and soft tissue infects.
    C/I: Hypersens., epilepsy, fluroquinolone
    related tendon disords., pregn., lact.,
    child up to 18 yrs.

    Megaxin IV
    not in the basket chart
    Megaxin IV

    Quinolone. Moxifloxacin 400 mg / 250 ml.
    INFUS. SOLN: 250 ml. 400 mg (oral. tab. or as an IV infus.) once every 24 hrs. The duration of ther. depend. on the type of infec.
    Acute Bact. Sinus. Acute: 10d
    Bact. Exacerbat. of Chron. Bronchit.: 5d
    Commun. –Acquir. Pneumon.: 7-14d
    Uncomplic. Skin & Skin Structure Infec. (SSSI): 7d
    Complic. SSSI: 7-21 d. See lit.
    Tmt. of adult. (>18 yrs. of age) with Commun. Acquir. Pneumon. caused by streptococc. pneumon., haemophil. influenz. moraxella catarrhalis, staphylococ. aureus, klebsiella pneumon. mycoplasma pneumon. or chlamydia pneumon. and Complica. skin & skin Struct. Infect. caused by methicillin susceptib. staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumon. or enterobacter cloacae.
    Appropriate culture and susceptibil. tests should be perform. before tmt. in order to isolate and identify organis. causing infec. and to determine their susceptibil. to moxifloxacin.
    Ther. may be initiated before results of these tests are known; once results become available, appropr. ther. should be cont.
    C/I: Hypersens. to compon. or other quinolones.

    Megaxin Tablets
    not in the basket chart
    Megaxin Tablets

    Quinolone. Moxifloxacin (as HCl) 400 mg.
    F.C. TABS: 5. 400 mg (oral. tab. or as an IV infus.) once every 24 hrs. The duration of ther. depend. on the type of infec.
    Acute Bact. Sinus. Acute: 10d
    Bact. Exacerbat. of Chron. Bronchit.: 5d
    Commun. –Acquir. Pneumon.: 7-14d
    Uncomplic. Skin & Skin Structure Infec. (SSSI): 7d
    Complic. SSSI: 7-21 d. See lit.
    For the tmt. of the follow. bact. infect. in pts. of 18 years & older:
    Respir. infec.- Uncomplic. Acute bact. sinusit, (ABS)
    - Acute exacerb. of chron. bronchit. (AECB)
    The tabs. should be used to treat adeq. diagn, ABS and AECB only when it is considered inappropr. to use antibact. agents that are commonly recomm. for the init. tmt. of these infec. or when these have failed to resolve the infec.
    -Commun. acquir. pneum., except severe cases.
    The tabs. should be used only when it is consid. inappropr. use antibact. agents that are common. recomm. for the init. tmt. of this infec.
    C/I: Hypersens. to compon. or other quinolones.

    partial basket chart

    Quinolone. Ofloxacin 200 mg.
    CAPLETS: 20. 200-800 mg dly. 1 x dly in
    morn, or 2 x dly, morn. and even.
    Uncomplicat. lower UTI: 100 mg 2 x dly.
    Uncomplicat. gonorrh: 400 mg 1 x dly.
    Infects. kidneys, urin. tract, reproduct.
    orgs., abdom. cavity (incl. bact. diarrh.),
    respirat. tract, ENT, skin, soft tissues:
    200 mg 2 x dly. Severe infects., insuffic.
    response, spec. grp. pts., prophylax:
    See lit.
    Bact. infects. due to ofloxacin-suscept.
    microorgans., such as upper/lower UTI,
    lower respirat. tract infects., uncomplicat.
    urethral/cervic. gonorrhea, nongonococc.
    urethrit./cervicit., skin and soft
    tissue infects.
    C/I: Pregn., lact., hypersens. ofloxacin,
    quinolones, excips., epilepsy, convuls.,
    tendon problems, myasthen. gravis,
    G6PD defic, under 18 yrs. See lit.