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  • Natural and Semisynthetic Estrogens
    2 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    Yasmin Plus
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    Yasmin Plus

    Natural and Semisynthetic Estrogens. Drospirenone 3 mg, Ethinylestradiol (as betadex calthrate) 0.03 mg, Levomefolate Calcium 0.451 mg.
    F.C TABS: 1, 3, 6 X 28. Take once dly. for 28 consec. days in order direct. in pack. See lit.
    Oral contracept. In women who choose to use an oral contracept. as their method of contracept., to raise folate levels for reducing risk of a neural tube defect in a pregn. conceived while taking the product
    or shortly after discontin. the product.
    C/I: Renal impair., adrenal insuff., high risk of arterial/ ven. thromb.dis. [e.g. women who Smoke, age> 35, have DVT or pulm. embolism, now or in the past., cerebrovasc. dis., coron. art.dis., thrombogenic valvul./ or thrombogenic rhythm dis. of the heart (e.g. subacute bact. endocardit. with valvul. dis., or AF), inherited or acquired hypercoagulopathies, uncontrol. HTN, diabetes mell. with vasc. dis., headaches with focal neurological sympt. or have migraine headaches with or without aura if over age 35, Undiagnosed abnor. uterine bleed.]. Breast cancer or other estrogen- or progestinsensitive cancer, now or in the past, Liver tumor (benign or malig.), liver dis., Preg.

    Yaz Plus
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Yaz Plus

    Natural and Semisynthetic Estrogens. Drospirenone 3 mg, Ethinylestradiol 0.02 mg, Levomefolate Calcium 0.451 mg.
    F.C. TABS.:28. 1 tab×1/d at same time
    every day. See lit.
    Oral contracep. Tmt. of sympt. of PMDD in
    women who choose to use an oral
    contracep. as their method of birth control.
    Tmt. of moder.acne vulgaris in women at
    least 14 yrs. of age, who have no known
    contraind. to oral contracep. ther.and have
    achieved menarche. In women who choose
    to use an oral contracep. as their method of
    contracep., to raise folate levels for the
    purpose of reduc. the risk of a neural tube
    defect in a preg. conceived while taking the
    product or shortly after discount. the
    C/I: Renal impair. Adrenal insuff. A high
    risk of arter./ven. thromb. dis. Examp.
    include. women who are known to:
    Smoke, if over age 35. DVT or pulm.
    embol., now or in the past. Have CV dis.
    Coron. artery dis. Thromb. valvular or
    thromb. rhythm dis. of the heart (e.g.
    subacute bact. endocardit. with valv. dis.,
    or atr. fibril. Inherited or acquired
    hypercoagulopathies. Uncont. hyperten.
    Diabetes mell.with vasc. dis. Headaches
    with focal neurology. sympt. or have
    migraine headaches with/without aura if
    over age 35. Undiagn. abnorm. uterine
    bleed. Breast canc./ other estrogen- or
    progestin-sensit. canc., now or in the past.
    Liver tum., benign or malig., or liver dis.
    Preg., because there is no reason to use
    COCs during preg.