All the Drug Class Drugs
Neurim Pharmaceuticals
melatonin receptor agonists. Melatonin 2 mg. PR TABS: 2 mg X 21, 30. 1 tab. dly, 1-2 hrs bef. bedt., and aft. food. Cont. for 13 wks.
Not recommend. in child. and adolesc.
below 18 yrs. Hepat. impair: Not
Short-term tmt. prim. insomn. in poor
quality sleep in pts. 55 or over.
C/I: Hypersens.
Slenyto 1 mg, Slenyto 5 mg
Neurim Pharmaceuticals
Slenyto 1 mg, Slenyto 5 mg
melatonin receptor agonists. Melatonin 1 mg, 5 mg. PR Tabs: 60 X 1 mg, 30 X 5mg. Recommend. Start. dose 2 mg. If inadeq. response observ., dose should be incr. to 5 mg, with a max. dose of 10 mg.
Drug should be taken once dly., 0.5-1 hr. before bedtime, with or after food.
Tmt. of insomnia in child. and adolesc. aged 2-18 with ASD and / or Smith-Magenis syndr., where sleep hygiene meas. have been insuff.
C/I: Hypersens.