All the Drug Class Drugs
Fluoroquinolone. Ciprofloxacin (as hydrochloride) 500 mg. CAPS: 10 x 500mg. Upper & lower respirat. tract infec.: 500-750mg ×2/d for 7-14 d.
Malig. extern. otitis: 750 mg ×2/d for 28 d. up to 3 mnths.
Uncomplic. cystitis: 250-500mg ×2/d for 3 d. (in pre-menopaus. women, 500 mg single dose may be used).
Complic. cystitis, Uncomplic. pyelonephritis: 500 mg ×2/d for 7 d.
Complic. pyelonephritis: 500-750 mg ×2/d for at least 10 d.
Prostatitis: 500-750 mg ×2/d for at least 14 d.
Gonococcal urethritis & cervicitis: 500mg as a single dose.
Epididymo-orchitis & pelvic inflamm. dis.: 500-750mg ×2/d for at least 14 d.
Diarrhoea caused by bact. pathogens includ. Shigella spp. other than Shigella dysenteriae type 1 and empirical tmt. of severe travellers' diarrhea: 500mg twice dly. for 1 d.
Diarrhoea caused by Shigella dysenteriae type 1: 500mg ×2/d for 5 d.
Diarrhoea caused by Vibrio cholera:
500mg ×2/d for 3 d.
Typhoid fever: 500mg ×2/d for 7 d.
Intra-abdom. infec. due to Gram-neg. bact.: 500-750mg ×2/d for 5-14 d.
Infec. of the skin & soft tissue: 500-750mg ×2/d for 7-14 d.
Bone & joint infec.: 500-750mg ×2/d for max. of 3 mnths.
Neutropenic pts. with fever suspected to be due to a bact. infec.
Ciprofloxacin should be co-admin. with appropriate antibact. agent(s) in accord. to official guidance: 500-750mg ×2/d over the entire period of neutrop.
Prophylaxis of invas. infec. due to Neisseria meningitidis: 500 mg as a single dose.
Inhalat. anthrax post-exposure prophylax., curative tmt. for persons able to receive tmt. by oral route when clinic. appropriate. Drug admin. should begin as soon as possible after susp. or confir. exposure: 500mg ×2/d for 60 d. from the confirm.of Bacillus anthracis exposure.
See lit.
Ped.population: CF: 20 mg/kg bdy. wt. ×2/d with a max. of 750 mg per dose for 10-14 days.
Complic. UTI's & pyelonephritis: 10 mg/kg bdy. wt. ×2/d to 20 mg/kg bdy. wt. ×2/d with a max. of 750 mg/dose for 10-21 d. Inhal. anthrax post-exposure prophylax. & curative tmt. for persons able to receive tmt. by oral route when clinic. appropriate. Drug admin. should begin as soon as possible after susp. or confirm. exposure: 10 mg/kg bdy. wt.×2/d to 15 mg/kg bdy. wt.×2/d with a max. of 500 mg per dose for 60 d. from the confirm. of Bacillus anthracis exposure.
Other severe infec.: 20 mg/kg bdy. wt. ×2/d with a max. of 750 mg/dose (durat. of tmt. accord. to the type of infec.). See lit.
Adult.: Broad spect. antibiot. for infec. caused by ciprofloxacin sensit. pathogens.
Child.& adolesc.: Broncho -pulmon. infec. in CF caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Complic. UTI's &pyelonephritis.
Inhal. anthrax (post-exposure prophylax. & curative tmt.).
Ciprofloxacin may also be used to treat severe infec. in child. & adolesc. when there is no other alternative.
Tmt. should be initiated only by physicians who are experienc. in the tmt. of CF and/or severe infec. in child. & adolesc. See lit.
C/I: Hypersens. to the active subst., to other quinolones. Concom. admin. with tizanidine. See lit.
Antibiotics, Fluoroquinolone. Levofloxacin 5 mg/ml. Sol. for IV infusion, 1X100 ml.
Admin. by slow IV inf. 1-2 dly. Dosage dep. on type and sever. of infect. and susceptib. of the presumed pathogen. After initial use of IV, tmt. may be complet. with oral levofloxacin. Given the bioequiv. of parenteral and oral forms, same dosage can be used. See prescribing details.
Indic. in adlts for the tmt of: Ac. pyelonephritis and complic. UTI. Chron. bact. prostatitis. In the below-mentioned infect. levofloxacin should be used only when inappropr. to use other antibact. agents commonly recomm. for these infections: Community-acq. pneumonia. Complic. skin and soft tissue infect. Consider official guidance on appropriate use of antibact. agents.
C/I Hypersens. to levofloxacin, quinolones and excipients/
epilepsy/ in pts with hist. of tendon disords. related to fluoroquinolone/
in children or growing adolescents/
/during pregn./ in breast-feeding
Fluoroquinolone. Ofloxacin 3 mg/ml. Ocular sol. 10 ml
In adults, 1-2 drops in affected eye(s) every 2-4 hs. For first 2 d, then 4X dly. Not more than 10 d.
Ext. oc. infect. caused by oxoflacin sensit. org.
C/I: Hypersens./ hypersens. to quinolones/Pregn., possible pregn., or breast-feeding women.