All the Drug Class Drugs
Antispasmodic. Atropine Sulphate 1 mg/ml, 20 mg / 10 ml. AMPS: 100. 0.4-0.10 mg by I.V. or I.M.
inject. Complete atropiniz. dose: 2mg I.V.
Relax. of spastic GI tract (e.g. pylorospasm),
biliary and GU tracts; reduct. of salivat. and
bronchial secret. combat CNS and periph.
toxic effects; suppress vagally-mediated
Antispasmodic. Mebeverine HCl 135 mg. TABS: 50 x 135 mg. 1 tab. 3 x dly, pref.
bef. meals. When desired effects
achieved, reduce dose grad. Child.
under 10 yrs: Not recommend.
Sympt. tmt. abdom. pain, bloating,
abdom. distent. flatulence, other sympt.
IBS, GI spasm second to organ. dis. as in
diverticulit., Crohn’s dis.
Antispasmodic. Dicyclomine HCl 10 mg. TABS.: 20×10 mg. Adolescen. & Adult.> 12 yrs.: 10-20mg×3/d. before / after meals. Child. (2-12 yrs.): 10mg ×3/d.
Max. dly. dose of 40mg.
Adjunct. ther. in irritable bowel syndrome, neurogenic bowel disturbance.
C/I: Hypersens.
Antispasmodic. Oxybutynin (HCl) 5 mg. Tabs:30: Adlts: one tablet 2-3 times per day,
max. daily dosage: 4 tbs.
Chldren above 5 years of age: one tablet twice a day, max. daily 3 tbs.
Relief of sympt. assoc. with voiding in pts. with uninhib. neurogenic and reflex neurogenic bladder
C/I: Hypersens.
• MG
• Sev. UC
• toxic megacolon
• Narrow angle glauc. or shallow anter. chamber;
• GI obstruct. dis.
• bladder outflow obstruct. where urinary retent. may be precipitated.
Antispasmodic. Papaverine (HCl) 40, 80 mg. TABS: 30, 250, 1,000 x 40mg, 80mg. See lit.
Smooth muscle spasm.
C/I: AV block, glaucoma, depress.
myocard. funct.
Antispasmodic. Papaverine (HCl) 40 mg / 2 ml. AMP: 10 x 2 ml. 30-120 mg. I.M. or I.V (I.V. reserved when immediate effect is desired). Admin. should be slow (1-2 min.).
Antispasmod. in: visceral spasm, G.I. colic, biliary/urin. tract spasms, periph. vasc. dis. with vasospastic element, vasc. spasm assoc. with acute M.I., ang. pect., periph. and pulm. embolism.
C/I: Hypersens. to papaverine. IV inj.: in pts. with complete AV block. Severe HF. Recent MI. Recent heart attack. arrhythmia (bradycardia). In case of intracran. hypertens. Hepatic dis.