All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Antispasmodic. Papaverine (HCl) 40, 80 mg. TABS: 30, 250, 1,000 x 40mg, 80mg. See lit.
Smooth muscle spasm.
C/I: AV block, glaucoma, depress.
myocard. funct.
Antispasmodic. Papaverine (HCl) 40 mg / 2 ml. AMP: 10 x 2 ml. 30-120 mg. I.M. or I.V (I.V. reserved when immediate effect is desired). Admin. should be slow (1-2 min.).
Antispasmod. in: visceral spasm, G.I. colic, biliary/urin. tract spasms, periph. vasc. dis. with vasospastic element, vasc. spasm assoc. with acute M.I., ang. pect., periph. and pulm. embolism.
C/I: Hypersens. to papaverine. IV inj.: in pts. with complete AV block. Severe HF. Recent MI. Recent heart attack. arrhythmia (bradycardia). In case of intracran. hypertens. Hepatic dis.
Analgesic, Antipyretic, Antispasmodic. Atropine Sulphate 0.4 mg, Codeine Phosphate 10 mg, Papaverine (HCl) 80 mg, Paracetamol 150 mg. TABS: 30. 1-2 tabs. 3 x dly. Child: 6-12
yrs: 1/2 adult dose.
Spastic. and painful conds. gastro-intest,
urin., biliary tracts.