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  • Promethazine
    4 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

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    Promethazine 0.1%
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    Promethazine 0.1%

    Antihistamine. Promethazine (HCl) 5 mg /5 ml.
    SYR: 100 ml. Allerg. conds: 10-12.5 ml 4
    x dly bef. meals and at bedt. or 25 ml at
    bedt. Nausea: Initial: 25 ml. foll. by
    10-12.5 ml every 4-6 hrs. Not for child
    under 2 yrs.
    Allergy, nausea.

    Promethazine Expectorants
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    Multiple ingredients
    Promethazine Expectorants

    Antihistamine, Expectorant. Potassium Guaiacolsulphonate 1 g, Ipecacuanha 200 mg, Promethazine (HCl) 100 mg.
    SYR: 100 ml. Adults and child over
    10 yrs: 2 teasp. 2-3 x dly. Child: 5-10 yrs:
    1 teasp. 2-3 x dly. 2-5 yrs: 1/2-1 teasp.

    Prothiazine Expectorant Syrup
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Prothiazine Expectorant Syrup

    Antihistamine, Expectorant. Guaiphenesin 45 mg / 5 ml, Promethazine (HCl) 5 mg / 5 ml, Ipecacuanha 10 mg / 5 ml.
    Syr 110 ml. Adlts and chldr aged 10 and above: 2tsp 2-3X dly.
    Chldr 6-10: 1tsp 2-3X dly
    Temp. relief of cough.
    C/I: Hypersens./ Pts. in coma or suffering from CNS depress. of any cause.
    /chldr under age of 6/ pts taking MAOi up to 14 days previous. / pts. in shock, at risk of seizure, or with CV dis. /pts with imp. renal, hepatic or cardiac funct.

    Prothiazine Tablets and Syrup
    full basket chart
    Prothiazine Tablets and Syrup

    Antihistamine. Promethazine HCl 5 mg/5ml, 25 mg.
    Syr: 110 ml., tab: 30
    Tmt. of allergies: Childr. aged 2-5 years: 5-15 ml of syrup in 1 dose, at night or 5 ml 2-3 times/d. No more than 15 ml /d. Childr. aged 6-12 years: 10-25 ml of syrup in one dose at night, or 10 ml twice a day. No more than 25 ml /d. Childr. above age of 12 and adlts: Begin tmt. with 1 tab. at night. Dosage can be incr. to a max. of one tab. twice/d., as req. For tmt. and prevent. of nausea and vomit.: Childr. aged 2-5 years: 5 ml syrup every 4-6 hs. up to a max. of 15 ml /d. Childr. aged 6-12 years: A dose of 10 ml syrup; wait 4-6 hs. before another dose. Up to two doses /d/ (a total of 20 ml /d). Childr. above the age of 12 and adlts.: One tab. every 4-6 hours, up to a max. of 4 tab/d. For short-term use as a sedative, with the doctor’s instruct. only: Childr. aged 2-5 years: 5-15 ml of syrup as a sgle. dose to be taken at bedtime. Childr. aged 6-12 years: 10-20 ml of syrup as a sgle. dose to be taken at bedtime. Childr. above the age of 12 and adlts.: One to three tab. as a sgle. dose, to be taken at bedtime.
    Antihistaminic, Antiemetic, Sedative.
      hypersens. · ptts. in coma or with CNS depress. of any cause. · childr. less than 2 years of age because of the potent.for fatal respir. depress. · should be avoided in ptts. taking monoamine oxidase inhibit. up to 14 days previously.