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  • Guaiphenesin
    7 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

    All the Active Ingredient Drugs

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    Alcinal Syrup
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    Multiple ingredients
    Alcinal Syrup

    Antihistamine, Antitussive, Expectorant. Chlorpheniramine Maleate 1 mg / 5 ml, Dextromethorphan HBr 7.88 mg / 5 ml, Guaiphenesin 105 mg / 5ml.
    SYR: 115 ml. Child: 6-12 yrs: 1-2 teasp.
    3-4 x dly; Over 12 yrs: 2-4 teasp. 3-4 x
    Relief of cough and nasal congest.
    associat. with cold.

    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Antihistamine, Decongestant, Expectorant. Guaiphenesin 100 mg / 5 ml, Pseudoephedrine HCl 30 mg / 5 ml, Triprolidine HCl 1.25 mg / 5 ml.
    EXPECT: 115 ml. Adults, child over 12
    yrs: 10 ml every 4-6 hrs. Child 6-12 yrs:
    5 ml every 6-8 hrs. Both up to 4 x dly.
    Child under 6 yrs: Accord. phys.
    Sympt. relief cough.

    Histafed Expectorant
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    Histafed Expectorant

    Antihistamine, Decongestant, Expectorant. Guaiphenesin 100 mg / 5 ml, Pseudoephedrine HCl 30 mg / 5 ml, Triprolidine HCl 1.25 mg / 5 ml.
    SYR: 115 ml. Adults and child over 12
    yrs: 10 ml every 4-6 hrs. Child: over 6 yrs:
    5 ml every 6-8 hrs; 2-6 yrs. Accord. to
    physician’s prescription only.
    Anti-allerg. react., decongest., expect. in
    relief cough.

    Kuffex DM Syrup
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    Kuffex DM Syrup

    Antitussive, Expectorant. Guaiphenesin 100 mg/5 ml, Dextromethorphan HBr 10 mg/5 ml.
    Syrup 118 ml. Recomm. dosage is for adlts. and childr. 12 years and above: 10 ml every 4 hours. For childr. between 6-12 years: 5 ml every 4 hours.
    In childr. aged 2 and over as an expect. and cough suppress.
    C/I: Hypersens.

    Prothiazine Expectorant Syrup
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Prothiazine Expectorant Syrup

    Antihistamine, Expectorant. Guaiphenesin 45 mg / 5 ml, Promethazine (HCl) 5 mg / 5 ml, Ipecacuanha 10 mg / 5 ml.
    Syr 110 ml. Adlts and chldr aged 10 and above: 2tsp 2-3X dly.
    Chldr 6-10: 1tsp 2-3X dly
    Temp. relief of cough.
    C/I: Hypersens./ Pts. in coma or suffering from CNS depress. of any cause.
    /chldr under age of 6/ pts taking MAOi up to 14 days previous. / pts. in shock, at risk of seizure, or with CV dis. /pts with imp. renal, hepatic or cardiac funct.

    full basket chart

    Expectorant. Guaiphenesin 100 mg / 5 ml.
    SYR: 100 ml. 1-4 teasp. every 4-6 hrs.
    Cough, bronch. congest.