All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Decarboxylase Inhibitor, Dopamine Precursor. Carbidopa 25 mg, Levodopa 250 mg. TABS: 30. Pts. not receiving levodopa:
Initial dose: 1/2 tab. 3 x dly. incr. by 1/2
tab. every day or other day until
optimal response. Opt. resp: 3-6 tabs.
dly. Max. dose: Not to exceed 8 tabs.
dly. Pts. receiving levodopa: Adjust
dosage to provide 25% of previous
levodopa dosage. Initial dose: 1 tab.
3-4 x dly.
Parkinson’s dis.
Decarboxylase Inhibitor, Dopamine Precursor. Carbidopa (as monohydrate) 5 mg/ml, Levodopa 20 mg/ml. INTEST. GEL (cassettes): 7 x 100 ml.
Total dly dose div. into 3 individ.
doses: Morn. bolus dose, cont. maint.
dose & extra bolus doses. Aft. initial
dose set. fine adjusts. of all 3 settings
to be carried out over a few wks. If
medically. justified, admin. dur. night.
Tmt. advanced levodopa respons.
Parkinson’s dis. with severe motor flucts.
and severe hyper-dyskines. when avail.
combinats. Parkinson products not given
satisfact. results. +tive test clin. response to
duodopa admin. via temp. nasoduoden.
tube reqd. bef. perm. tube insert.
C/I: Hypersens. to levodopa, carbidopa,
any excips. Narrow angle glauc., severe
hepat./ren. insuffic., severe heart fail,
severe card. arrhythm. Acute stroke,
non-select MAOIs, select MOA type A
inhibits. not to be given concom. & to be
withdrawn at least 2 wks bef. initiat. ther.
Condit. in which adrenergics are
contraind., e.g.
pheochromocyt., hyperthyroid.,
Cushing’s synd.
Pts. with suspic. undiagnos. skin lesions
or a hist. of melanoma.
Decarboxylase Inhibitor, Dopamine Precursor. Carbidopa 50 mg, Levodopa 200 mg. TABS: 30, 60, 100. Pts. not receiving levedopa: Initial: 1 tab 2 x dly at intervals of more than 6 hrs. Pts. receiving levodopa: See lit.
Idopath. Parkinsons dis., post-encephalit.,
symptomat. Parkinsons.
C/I: MAO inhibit. (except low dose
select. MAO-B inhibit.) not to be admin.
concom., hypersens.,narrow angle
glaucoma, skin lesions, history of
COMT Inhibitor, Decarboxylase Inhibitor, Dopamine Precursor. Levodopa 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200 mg, Carbidopa 12.5, 18.75, 25, 31.25, 37.5, 50 mg, Entacapone 200 mg. F.C. TABS: 30. See lit.
Tmt. Parkinson’s dis., end-of-dose motor
flucts. not stabiliz. on levodopa/dopa
decarboxylase (DCC) inhibit. tmt.
C/I: Hypersens., severe hepat. impair,
narrow-angle glauc., pheochromocyt.,
concom. use with MAO-A and MAO-B
inhibits., prev. history NMS and/or nontraum.
rhabdomyolys., lact.