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שורשיה של טבע נטועים עמוק באדמתה של ישראל החל משנת 1901 בירושלים. אז נכתב הפרק הראשון בהיסטוריה הארוכה והייחודית של החברה, אשר הפכה אט-אט מבית מסחר קטן לתרופות לחברה הגנרית הגדולה בעולם, המשפרת את בריאותם של מיליוני מטופלים בארץ ובעולם בכל יום.
Drugs Disributed by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, Israel
Androgen Biosynthesis Inhibitor. Abiraterone Acetate 250 mg , 500 mg. TABS.: 250 mg x 120 , 500 mg x 60.
Intended for male pts. only. 1,000 mg (4×250mg tabs. or 2x500mg tabs.) once dly.
1. in combin. with prednisone for metast. castrat.-resist. prostate cancer.
2. For newly diag. high risk metast. hne. sensit. prostate cancer (mHSPC) in adlt. men in combinat. with androgen depriv. ther.(ADT) and in combin. with prednisone.
C/I: Hypersens./ by pregn. females or who may be potent. pregn../sev. hepat. impairm./ in combin. with Ra-223 if given with prednisone.
NSAID. Diclofenac Sodium 75 mg / 3 ml. AMPS: 5, 10 x 3 ml.
Gener. 1 amp. 75 mg dly., given by
deep intraglut. inj. into the upper outer
quadrant. Severe cases (e.g. colic), dly.
dose may be incr. to two inj. of 75 mg,
separated by few hrs. (one into each
buttock). Alternat. 1. of 75 mg can be
combined with other forms of Abitren
(e.g. tab., supp.) up to a total max. dly.
dose of 150 mg. Migraine attacks: 75
mg administ. as soon as poss., follow.
by supp. up to 100 mg on the same day
if required. Total dose shouldn’t
exc.175 mg on the 1st day. Dose should
be individ. adjust., lowest effect. dose
given for the short. durat. Shouldn’t be given more than 2 days; if necessary,
tmt. can be contin. with tab., supp.
Exacerbat. of inflammat. degenerat. forms
of rheumatism: rheum. arthrit., ankylosing
spondylitis, osteoarthrit., spondylarthritis,
non-articular rheumatism. Tmt. of painful
condit. due to inflamm. of non rheumat.
origin. ,renal colic, biliary colic., posttrauma
& post-op. pain, inflamm., swell.
C/I: hypersens. to the active subst. or
sod. metabisulfite, active GI ulcer, bleed.,
perfor., history of GI bleed. or perfor.
relating to previous NSAID use, active or
history of recur. pept. ulcer/haemorr.
(two or more distinct episodes of proven
ulc. or bleed.), last trim. of preg., severe
hep. and renal fail., establish. CHF (NYHA
class II-IV), IHD, periph. arterial dis.,
cerebrovasc. dis. Pts. whom experienced
attacks of asthma, angioedema,
urticaria, or acute rhinitis due to
ibuprofen, aspirin or other NSAIDs.
Analgesic, Antipyretic. Paracetamol 500 mg. TABS: 20 x 500 mg. 1-2 tabs. every 4-6
hrs. Not to exceed 8 tabs/day. Child:
6-12 yrs: 1/2 adult dose. Not to exceed
4 doses in 24 hrs.
CAPLETS: 14, 21. (blister pack), 50 x 500
1-2 caplets every 4-6 hrs. Not to
exceed 8 caplets/day.
Pain, fever.
Analgesic, Antipyretic, Salicylate. Acetylsalicylic Acid 250 mg, Paracetamol 250 mg, Caffeine 65 mg. CAPLETS: 30, 50. Adults and child over 12
yrs: 2 caplets with a full glass of water aft. meal every 6 hrs. Max: 8 caplets in
24 hrs. Max: 48 hrs for migraine. Not to
lie down for 15-30 mins foll. intake in
order to reduce risk of esoph. irritat.
and ulcer.
Temp. relief headache, mild to mod. pain
assoc. with migraine, dysmenorrh., pain
accomp. by fever.
C/I: Known hypersens., hemophil.,
bleed. ulc., pregn., lact., hemorrhagic
states, hypersens. to other NSAID’s,
newborn or prem. inf., asthma in comb.
with nasal polyps. Foll. side effects aft.
taking analges. or antipyretics: urticar.,
edema of face, asthma, shock. Child and
adolesc. below 20 yrs for disease
accomp. by fever, such as chicken pox
or flu.
Analgesic, Antitussive, Decongestant. Paracetamol 500 mg, Pseudoephedrine HCl 30 mg, Dextromethorphan HBr 15 mg. CAPLETS: 35; comb. pack: day 35, night
14. Adults, child over 12 yrs: 1-2
caplets up to 4 x dly. Not to exceed 8
caplets dly. If fever cont. over 3 days,
or fever absent but pt. cond. not
improved within 7 days, and pain
persists 5 days, should be reported.
Pts over 60 yrs may be sensitive to
these drugs. Not to exceed
recommend. dose.
Relief cold, cough and nasal congest.
associated with fever and pain, for day
C/I: Known hypersens. to any ingred.,
lact. concom. use with MAOIS or within
14 days, severe hypertens., severe
coron. art. dis., pts at risk of develop.
respir. fail. (due to dextromethorphan).
Analgesic, Antihistamine, Antitussive, Decongestant. Paracetamol 500 mg, Pseudoephedrine HCl 30 mg, Dextromethorphan HBr 15 mg, Chlorpheniramine Maleate 2 mg. CAPLETS: 14; comb. pack: day 35, night
14. Adults, child over 12 yrs: 1-2
caplets at bedt. If fever cont. over 3 days, or fever absent but pt. cond. not
improved within 7 days, and pain
persists 5 days, should be reported.
Pts over 60 yrs may be sensitive to
these drugs. Not to exceed
recommend. dose.
Relief cold, cough and nasal congest.
associated with fever and pain, for night
C/I: Known hypersens. to any ingred.,
lact. newborn and prem. infants, asthma
or other lower respir. tract cond.,
narrow-angle glaucoma, stenos. pept.
ulc., symp. prost. hypertrophy, bladder
neck obstruct, pyloroduod. obstruct.,
concom. use with MAOIS or within 14
days, severe hypertens., severe coron.
art. dis., pts. in/or at risk of develop.
respir. fail. (due to dextromethorphan).