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שורשיה של טבע נטועים עמוק באדמתה של ישראל החל משנת 1901 בירושלים. אז נכתב הפרק הראשון בהיסטוריה הארוכה והייחודית של החברה, אשר הפכה אט-אט מבית מסחר קטן לתרופות לחברה הגנרית הגדולה בעולם, המשפרת את בריאותם של מיליוני מטופלים בארץ ובעולם בכל יום.
Drugs Disributed by Abic Marketing Ltd, Israel
NSAID. Diclofenac Sodium 50 mg. SUPPS: 10. 2 supps. at night.
Rheumat. arthr., osteoarthr., low back pain,
other acute musculosk. disord. such as
periarthr., tendin., tenosynov., bursitis,
sprains, strains, dislocation, ankyl.
spondylitis, acute gout. Control of pain/
inflamm. in orthopedic, dental, and other
minor surgery.
S.R. TABS: 20. 1 tab. dly.
Rheum. arthrit., other rheum. conds.
C/I: Hypersens. to the product. Active
gastr./ intest. ulcer, bleeding or perfor.
Active/ history of recur. peptic ulcer/
haemorrhage (>=2 distinct epis. of
proven ulcer./ bleeding). History of GI
bleeding/perfor., relating to prev. NSAID
tmt. Last trimester of pregn. Sev. hepatic
and renal failure. Establ. CHF (NYHA class
II-IV), isch. heart dis., periph. arter. dis.,
cerebrovasc. dis. Pts. in whom aspirin or
other NSAIDs have induc. sympt. of
asthma, acute rhinitis precipit. by
ibuprofen, urticaria, nasal polyps,
angioedema, bronchospasm, other
sympt. of allergic react. (anaphyl. react.
have occur. in such pts). Pts with sev.
heart failure. Tmt of peri-operative pain
in CABG surg.
Opioid. Fentanyl (as citrate) 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1600 mcg/dose. COMPRESSED TAB. ON HANDLE
(lozenge): 30. Initial: 200 μg. To supply
only 6 x 200 μg and to use all units bef. incr. to higher dose. See lit. Unit to be
sucked, not chewed over 15 mins.
Discont: Grad. downward titrat.
Manage. breakthrough cancer pain in pts
16 and older with maligns. who are
already receiv. and tolerant to opioid ther.
for persist. cancer pain.
C/I: Post-op. pain, opioid non-tol.,
hypersens./intol. to fentanyl, anaphylax.
See lit.
Bisphosphonate. Risedronate Sodium 150 mg. TABS.:1,2,3,4. Tab wkly. to be swallowed whole and not sucked or chewed in an upright position with glass of plain water, at least 30 mins. bef. first food, other medicine or drink (except water) of the day. Pts should not lie down for 30 mins aft. taking tab.
Tmt. of postmenopaus. osteoporosis. Prevent. of postmenopaus. osteoporosis
C/I: Hypersens. Hypocalcaem. Preg., lact.
Severe renal impair.(CrCl <30 ml/min).
Inabil. to stand or sit upright for at least 30 min.
CGRP Antagonist, Monoclonal Antibody. Fremanezumab 225 mg. PREFILLED SYR (sol. for SC inj.): 1,3× 1.5ml. Tmt. is intended for pts. with at least 4 migraine days/month when initiat. tmt. with fremanezumab.
Two dosing options are available:
225 mg once mnthly. (mnthly. dosing) or 675 mg every three mnths. (quarterly dosing).
When switching dosing regimens, the first dose of the new regimen should be admin. on the next scheduled dosing date of the prior regimen.
When initiat. tmt. with fremanezumab, concom. migraine prevent. tmt. may be continued if consid. necessary by the prescriber.
The tmt. benefit should be assessed within 3 mnths. after init. of tmt. Any further decision to continue tmt. should be taken on an individ. pt. basis. Evaluation of the need to continue tmt. is recomm. regularly thereafter.
Missed dose: If a fremanezumab inject. is missed on the planned date, dosing should resume as soon as possible on the indicated dose and regimen. A double dose must not be admin. to make up for a missed dose.
Indicat. for prophylaxis of migraine in adult. who have at least 4 migraine days per month.
C/I: Hypersens.
Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) antagonists.. Fremanezumab 225 mg. PRE-FILL. SYR. (Sol.for S.C. inj.):1, 3×1.5ml.
PRE-FILL PEN (Sol.for S.C. inj.): 1, 3×1.5 ml. Tmt. is intend. for pts. with at least 4 migraine days per month when initiat. tmt. with fremanezumab.
Two dosing options are avail.:
225 mg once mnthly 675 mg every 3 mnths. (quarter. dosing)
When switch. dosing regimens, the 1st dose of the new regimen should be admin. on the next scheduled dosing date of the prior regimen.
When initiating treatment with fremanezumab, concom. migraine prevent. tmt. may be contin. if consid. necessary by the prescriber .
The tmt. benefit should be assessed within 3 mnths. after initiat. of tmt. Any further decision to cont. tmt. should be taken on an individ. pt. basis. Evaluat. of the need to cont. tmt. is recomm. regularly thereafter.
Missed dose - dosing should resume as soon as possible on the indicat. dose and regimen. A double dose must not be admin. to make up for a missed dose.
Indicated for prophylax. of migraine in adults who have at least 4 migraine days per
C/I: Hypersens. react. such as rash, pruritus, urticaria and swell. have been reported uncommon. with fremanezumab. Most react. were reported from within hrs. to one month after admin. and were mild – moder., but some led to discount. or required corticosteroid tmt. If a hypersens. reaction occurs, discount. of fremanezumab admin. should be consid.and appropriate ther. should be initiated.
α1 Blocker. Alfuzosin HCl 10 mg. E.R. TABS: 30. 10 mg dly, immed. aft.
even. meal. Swallow whole with fluid.
Not to be crushed, chew. or divid.
Start ther. on day of insert. of urethral
cath. Tmt. 3-4 days, i.e. 2-3 days
during catheterizat. and 1 day follow.
Tmt. funct. sympts. BPH, espec. if surg.
delayed. Adjuv. tmt. to cathet. in acute
urinary retent. rel. to BPH.
C/I: Known hypersens., postural
hypotens., liver fail., severe kidney fail.,
combinat. with other alpha 1 blockers,