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  • Fentanyl
    7 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

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    partial basket chart

    Opioid. Fentanyl (as Citrate) 100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 800 mcg.
    SUBLING. TABS: 10, 30 x 100 μg, 200 μg,
    300 μg , 400 μg, 600 μg, 800 μg.
    Initial: 100 μg. subling., not be
    swallowed, chewed oe sucked. Titr.
    upwards as necess. See lit.
    Manag. of breakthr. pain in adult pts using
    opioid ther. for chronic cancer pain.
    Breakthr. pain is a transient exacerb. of
    otherwise control. chronic background
    C/I: Hypersens.; Opioid-naïve pts due to
    the risk of life-threat. resp. depress.;
    Sev. resp. depress. or sev. obstr. lung
    cond.; acute or post-oper. pain, incl.
    headache/migraine, dental pain, or use in

    partial basket chart

    Opioid. Fentanyl (as citrate) 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1600 mcg/dose.
    (lozenge): 30. Initial: 200 μg. To supply
    only 6 x 200 μg and to use all units bef. incr. to higher dose. See lit. Unit to be
    sucked, not chewed over 15 mins.
    Discont: Grad. downward titrat.
    Manage. breakthrough cancer pain in pts
    16 and older with maligns. who are
    already receiv. and tolerant to opioid ther.
    for persist. cancer pain.
    C/I: Post-op. pain, opioid non-tol.,
    hypersens./intol. to fentanyl, anaphylax.
    See lit.

    partial basket chart

    Opioid. Fentanyl 12.5, 25, 50, 75, 100 mcg/hour.
    5 x 12.5 μg/hr (2.063 mg/patch); 5 x 25 μg/hr (4.125 mg/patch); 5 x 50 μg/hr
    (8.25 mg/patch); 5 x 75 μg/hr (12.375
    mg/patch); 5 x 100 μg/hr (16.5 mg/
    patch). Initial: Depend. on pts. current
    cond., intensity of pain, opioid history.
    Dose titrat: Initial dose may be incr.
    aft. 3 days with patch replacement;
    then titrate every 6 days. See lit.
    Breakthrough pain may be treated
    with supplement. short-act. analges.
    Discont. when necess., gradually.
    Manage. chron./intract. pain req. opioid
    analges. See lit.
    C/I: Opioid intoler., post-op. pain, acute
    pain, mild-mod. pain. Concurrent with

    Fenta Injection
    not in the basket chart
    Fenta Injection

    Narcotic Anesthetic. Fentanyl 0.05 mg/ml.
    AMPS: 5,50 x 2 ml,10 ml. The
    dosage should be individualized.
    Vital signs should be routinely
    monitored. See lit.
    Surg. anesth. and analges. See lit.
    Also epidural route for post-op.
    pain, adjunct to regional or general
    C/I: Hypersens., as with other opiate.
    given epidural., should not be given to
    pts. exhibiting: severe hemorrh.
    or shock, septicemia, disturb. in blood
    morphology. See lit.

    Fentadol 12, 25, 50, 75, 100
    not in the basket chart
    Fentadol 12, 25, 50, 75, 100

    Opioid Analgesic. Fentanyl 12.5, 25, 50, 75, 100 mcg/hr.
    TRANSDERMAL PATCHES: 5x12.5µg/hr. (2.1mg/patch), 5x25µg/hr. (4.2mg/patch), 5x50µg/hr. (8.4mg/patch), 5x75µg/hr. (12.6mg/patch), 5x100µg/hr. (16.8mg/patch).
    Dosage must be ajust. individ. accord. pt. condit.
    Managem. of chron.  pain and intractab.  pain requir.opioid analgesia. The drug should only be used in pts. who are already receiv. opioid ther., who have demonstrate.  opioid tolerance.
    C/I: Hypersens. Pts. who did not use an opioid analgesic in the past. Short period pain  (e.g., after surgery). Pts.  with not chron./ persist. pain. Mild/moder.  pain relief. Pts. with sev.  breath. problems. Pts. with severe impair.  of the CNS funct.(e.g., brain damage). During tmt. with MAO inhib., or within a minim. of 2 wks. of discont. those drugs. Lact. Child. under 2 yrs. of age.

    partial basket chart

    Narcotic Anesthetic. Fentanyl (as citrate) 0.05 mg/ml.
    AMPS: 10 x 2 ml, 5 x 10 ml.
    The dosage should be individ. accord.
    to age, bdy wt, physical status, underl.
    pathol. cond., use of other drugs, type
    of surgery/anesthesia. See lit.
    Analges. short trem, dur. anesth. periods;
    immed. postoper. period as need arises.;
    Narcotic analges. suppl. in gen./region.
    anesthesia; For admin. with neurolept. as
    anesth. premedic. for the induct. of anesth.
    and as an adjunct in the maint. of gen./
    region. anesthesia; Anesth. agent with
    oxygen in selected high-risk pts; Epidural
    route for the postoper. managem. of pain
    foll. gen. surgical proced., cesarean
    sections, as adjunct to gen. anesthesia.
    C/I: Known intoler. to compon., to other
    morphinomimetics; Resp. depress.,
    obstruct. airways dis.; Concurr.
    administer. with MAO-I, or within 2
    weeks of their discount.