All the Drug Class Drugs
Monoclonal Antibody, VEGF Inhibitor. Bevacizumab 25 mg/ml. VIALS: 1 x 100 mg/4 ml; 1 x 400
Dosage adjust. individ. for each pt.
accord to the med. cond. accord. to
prescr. info.
Tmt. metastat. Carcinoma of the colon or
rectum, to be used in combinat. With
fluoropyrimidine-based chemother.
Firstline tmt. metastat. Breast cancer, in
comb. with Paclitaxel. tmt.
unresect.,advanced, metastat./recurrent
NSCLC other than predom. squamous cell
histology, in add. to platinum-based
chemother. tmt. advanc./metastat. Renal
cell cancer, in comb. with interferon alfa-
2a. Firstline tmt. advanc./metastat. Renal
cell cancer, in comb. with interferon alfa-
2a. As single agent tmt. glioblastom. In
pts. with progress. dis. foll. prior ther.
Front-line tmt. in comb. with paclitaxel.
and carboplatin advanc. (FIGO III B, III
C,IV) epithelial ovar., fallop. tube, or
primary peritoneal canc. in pts at high risk
for recurrence (resid. dis. aft.debulk.). in
comb. with carboplatin and gemcitabine
tmt of adult pts. with first recur.of
platinum-sensit. epithelial ovar., fallopian
tube or prim. peritoneal cancer who have
not received prior therapy with
Bevacizumab or other VEGF inhibit. or
VEGF receptor–targeted agents.
C/I: Hypersens. active substance/
excips./ chinese hamster ovary/ other recombinant human or humanized
antibodies., pregn.
Monoclonal Antibody, VEGF Inhibitor. Bevacizumab 25 mg / 1 ml. Concentr. for sol. for IV vials:1 X 4 ml/16ml
Dosage to be adj. indiv. as per med. condit. and combinat. regimen accord. to prescrib. info.
In combin. with fluoropyrimidine-based chemother. for metast. carcin. of the colon or rectum.- In addit. to platinum - based chemoth. for first - line tmt. of unresectable adv. metast. or recurr. non- small cell lung cancer other than predom. squam. cell histol. –In combin. with interferon alfa-2a for first line of adv. and /or metast. renal cell cancer. In combin. with paclitaxel for first-line tmt. of metast. breast cancer.- As a sgle. agent, for glioblastoma in pts. with progress. dis. following prior ther.- In combin. with carboplatin and paclitaxel, for front-line tmt. of adv.(FIGO stages III B, III C and IV) epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or prim. peritoneal cancer at high risk for recurr.- In combin. with carboplatin and gemcitabine, for first recurr. of platinum-sensit. epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or prim. peritoneal cancer pts. who have not received prior ther. with bevacizumab or other VEGF inhibit. or VEGF receptor-targeted agents.- In combin. with topotecan, or pegylated liposomal doxorubicin for platinum-resistant recurr. epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or prim. peritoneal cancer pts. who received no more than 2 prior chemother. regimens and who have not receved prior ther. with bevacizumab or other VEGF inhib. or VEGF recept.–targeted agents –In combin. with paclitaxel and cisplatin or paclitaxel and topotecan for persistent, recurr., or metast. carcin. of the cervix.- In combin. with erlotinib, for first-line tmt. of unresectable adv., metast. or recurr. non-squam. non-small cell lung cancer with Epid. Growth Factor Recept.(EGFR) activat. mutat.
C/I: hypersens, incl. to Chin. Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell prod. or other recomb. human or humanized antibodies. Pregn.