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  • Serotonin 2C Receptor Agonist
    1 Drug classified under this drug class

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    Teva Israel LTD, Israel
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    Serotonin 2C Receptor Agonist. Palonosetron 0.05 mg/mi.
    Vial, Sol for IV inf., 1X 5ml
    250 microg admin. as a sgle IV bolus approx. 30 min. before  start of chemother. to be inject. over 30 seconds. The efficacy of this drug in the prevent. of nausea and vomit. induced by highly emetogenic chemother. may be enhanced by the addit. of a corticoster. admin. prior to chemother. Child. and adolesc. (aged 1 month to 17 years): 20 microg/kg (max. total dose should not exceed 1500 microg) palonosetron admin. as a sgle 15 min. IV infus. beginning approx. 30 min. before start of chemother.
    In adlts and in paed. ptts. 1 month of age and older for the prevent. of ac. nausea and vomit. assoc. with highly emetogenic cancer chemotherapy, and prevent. of nausea and vomit. assoc. with moder. emetogenic cancer chemotherapy.