All the Drug Class Drugs
Antibiotics, Rifamicines. Rifaximine 200 mg. F.C. TAB: 12. Travel. Diarr.: 400-1200mg/d (1– 2 tab ×2, 3/d). must not exceed 3 days.
Hep.encephalop. and Non-complicated
diverticular diseases: 800-1200mg/ d (2
tab × 2, 3/d), durat. of a tmt. cycle should not exceed 7-10 days.
For acute tmt., a sing. tmt. cycle is suffic. As maint. tmt., 1 cycle per month is carried out.
Casual tmt. of dis. in pts. over 12 yrs. old
caused by bact. in GIT sens. to rifaximine:
Travel. Diarr. caused by non-invasive
enteropath. bact.
Hep. Encephalop. Non-complicated
diverticular diseases.
C/I: Hypersens. to the act. subst. or its