All the Drug Class Drugs
Pyrimidine Analogues. Cytarabine 20 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml. VIAL (ready for use): 1 x 100 mg (5 ml);
500 mg (10 ml); 1,000 mg (20 ml), 2,000
mg (40 ml). See lit.
Neoplastic dis.
C/I: Known hypersens. to drug, bone
marrow suppress.
Pyrimidine Analogues. Capecitabine 150 mg, 500 mg. TABS: Capecitabine 150×60,
Dosage must be ajust. individ. accord.
to the pt. med. cond.
Adjuv. colon cancer foll. surg. of stage III
(Duke’s stage C) colon cancer. Metastatic breast cancer in comb. with docetaxel aft.
fail of prior anthracycline-cont.
chemotherapy, as monother. advanced or
metastat. breast cancer aft. fail. standard
ther. incl. a taxane, unless ther. with a
taxane is clinic. contraindicat. Advanced
or metastat. colorectal cancer. First line
tmt. advanced gastric cancer in comb.
with chemother.
C/I: Hist. of severe, unexpec. react. to
fluoropyrimidine ther.; Hypersens. to
capecitabine or to fluorouracil; Pts. with
known (DPD) defic.; Preg.; lact.; Pts. with
sev. leukopenia, neutropenia, or
thrombocytopenia; sev. hep. impair.; Pts.
with severe renal impair. (CrCl ≤ 30 ml/
min); Tmt. with sorivudine or its chemic.
related analog. , (e.g. brivudine); If
contraind. exist to any of the med.
products in the comb. regimen, that
med. product should not be used.
Pyrimidine Analogues. Cytarabine 1g/Vial. VIAL: 1. Convent. dose: In the induct. ther. of acute non-lymphocyt. leukemia, the
usual cytarabine dose in comb. with
other anti-cancer drugs is 100 mg/
m2/d by cont. I.V. infus. (1st -7th d.) or
100 mg/m2 I.V. every 12 hrs. (1st -7th
d.). High dose: 2-3 g/m2 as an I.V. infus.
over 1-3 hors given every 12 hours for
2-6 d. with/ without addit. cancer
chemother. agents.
Induct. and mainten. remiss. in acute
myelocytic leukemia of adults & child.
Tmt. of other leukemias. See Lit.
C/I: Pts. with pre exist. drug induced
bone marrow suppres. unless the clin.
feels that such manage. offers the most
hopeful alternative for the pt.
Manag. of non malignant dis., except for
Pyrimidine Analogues. Gemcitabine (HCl) 4 mg/ml. VIAL (conc. for sol. for infus.): 1 x 200 mg
x 40 mg/ml; 1 x 1,000 mg x 40 mg/ml.
I.V. Adjust. accord. indicats, gen. cond.,
hepat./ren. funct., concur. chemother.,
bl. counts. See lit.
Pall. tmt in local. advanced/ metastat.
NSCLC, local. advanced/metastat.
adenocarcinoma pancreas, 5-FU refract.
pancreat. cancer, bladder cancer at invas.
stage. In combinat. with paclitaxel for tmt
pts. with unresect. local. recur./metastat.
breast cancer who have relapsed follow.
adjuv./neoadjuv. chemother. Prior
chemother. should have included
anthracycline unless C/I. In comb. with
carboplatin for recur. epithelial ovarian
carcinoma that has relapsed at least 6
mths aft. platinum based ther.
C/I: Hypersens., pregn., lact. See lit.
Pyrimidine Analogues. Gemcitabine (as HCl) 40 mg/ml. VIALS (concentrate for sol. for infus.) of 5,
25, 50 ml x 1. Dosage must be individ. adjust. for each pt. accord. to the medical condit. Not to be used in children under 18
years of age.
Palliative tmt. of adult pts. with local.
advance.,metast. non-small cell lung can.,
local. advance., metast. adenocarcin. of
the pancr., pts. with 5-FU refract. panc.can.
Tmt. of pts. with bladder can. at the invas.
Breast can.: In comb. with paclitaxel, for
the tmt. of pts. with unresect. local.recur.,
metast. breast can. who have relapsed
follow. adjuvant/neoadjuv. chemother.
Prior chemother. should have include. an
anthracycline unless clinic.contraind.
Ovar. can.: In comb.with carboplatin; tmt.
of pts. with recur. epith. ovar. carcin. who
have relapsed at least 6 mts. after
platinum-based ther.
C/I: Hypersens. lact.