All the Drug Class Drugs
Phenothiazine. Perphenazine 4, 8mg. TABS: 30 x 4 mg, 20, 30 x 8 mg. Adult.:
4 mg×3/d. Dose may have to be adjust.
upwards or downwards accord. to pt.
response. Total dly. dose should not
exceed 24mg. Tmt. should be started
and dosage incr. under close supervis.
Tmt. should be reviewed at interv. to
avoid indiscrim. or unduly prolon. use.
Not for use in child. und. 14 yrs. old.
See lit.
Tranquilizer, antiemet.
C/I: Hypersens., pts. with leucopenia, or
in assoc. with drugs liable to cause bone
marrow depress., or to pts. in comatose
Phenothiazine. Levomepromazine (as maleate) 25 mg, 100 mg. TABS: 30 x 25 mg, 100 mg. 25-50 mg dly
in div. doses, incr. to optimum level;
Sedat. only: single dose of 12.5 - 25
mg, on retir. Severe conds: 50-75 mg
dly in 2-3 doses incr. to desired effect;
Child: 0. 25 mg/kg dly in 3 div. doses.
Anx., tens., behav. disords.
C/I: Hypersens. to phenothiazines, heart
dis., coma.