All the Drug Class Drugs
PDE5 Inhibitor. Sildenafil (as citrate) 20 mg. F.C. TABS: 90. 20 mg 3 x dly approx.
4-6 hrs apart, with/out food. See lit.
For adult. > 18 yrs.: Tmt. of prim.
pulmon. hypertens. (PPH) pulm.
hypertens. (PH) associated with
connective tissue disease (CTD) or PH
following surgical repair at least 5 yrs.
previous. of atrial septal defect (ASD)
ventric. septal defect (VSD) patent
ductus arteriosus (PDA) or aortopulmon.
C/I: Hypersens; Co-admin. with nitric
oxide donors (such as amyl nitrite) or
nitrates in any form due to the
hypotensive effects of nitrates.
Co-admin. of PDE5 inhib., includ.
sildenafil, with guanylate cyclase
stimulat; Comb. with the most potent of
the CYP3A4 inhib. (eg, ketoconazole,
itraconazole, ritonavir).
Pts. who have loss of vision in one eye
because of non-arteritic anterior
ischaem. optic neuropathy (NAION),
regardless of whether this episode was
in connect. or not with prev. PDE5 inhib.
expos; Sev. hep. impair; Recent history
of stroke or MI; Severe hypotens. (blood
pres.< 90/50 mmHg) at initiat.
PDE5 Inhibitor. Sildenafil (as citrate) 20 mg. TABS: 90 x 20 mg. 20 mg 3 x dly approx.
4-6 hrs apart, with/out food. Higher
than 20 mg not recommend.
Tmt. prim. pulm. hypertens. (PPH), pulm.
hypertens (PH) assoc. with connect. tissue dis. (CTD) or PH foll. surg. repair atrial septal
defect (ASD) at least 5 yrs previously, ventric. septal defect (VSD), patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) or aorto-pulm. window. For adults >18 yrs.
C/I: Organ. nitrates (regular/ intermittent
use) in any form, known hypersens.,
veno-occlus. dis.
PDE5 Inhibitor. Tadalafil 20 mg. TABS.: 56. 1 tab.×1/d.
Indic. adults for the tmt. of pulmon. arterial hypertens. classified as WHO funct. class II and III, to improve exercise capacity. Efficacy has been shown in idiopathic PAH (IPAH) and in PAH related to collagen vascular dis.
C/I: Concom. use with nitrates. History or presence of loss of vision as a result of NAION - non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. MI in the last 3 mnths. Hypotens. Concom. use with riociguat.
PDE5 Inhibitor. Tadalafil 5, 10, 20 mg. TABS. : 28×5mg, 4×10mg, 4, 8×20mg. 10, 20mg tabs.: 1 tab. ×d. at least 30 min. before sexual contact. not recomm. for permanent dly. use. 5mg tabs.1 tab×/d, at same time each day. See lit.
Tablets of 5, 10, 20mg -Tmt . of erectile dysfunc. in men, for obtaining and maintain. an erection. In addition, tablet of 5mg: Tmt. of BPH symptoms. For tmt. of men suffer. from an erectile dysfunc.and BPH sympt.
C/I: Hypersens. Concom. use with nitrates for agina p. MI within the last 90 d, severe heart dis. Hypotens., uncontrol. hypertens. Stroke within the last 6 mnths. History/presence of loss of vision as a result of a NAION – ischemic optic neuropathy. Concom. use with riociguat.