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  • Laxative
    3 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    Fleet Enema 133 ml
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    Fleet Enema 133 ml

    Laxative. Sodium Phosphate Dibasic heptahydrate 6 gr, Sodium Phosphate Monobasic monohydrate 16 g.
    ENEMA: 133 ml. Rectal use only. 133 cc: Adult/child over 12 yrs: 1 whole enema (120 ml( Single dly dose. See lit.
    Colon cleans. bef. surgery, child birth,med.
    C/I: Hypersensitivity to the active
    ingredients or to any of the excipients of
    the product, conditions causing
    decreased gastric motility, undiagnosed
    gastrointestinal pathology, clinically
    significant impairment of renal function.
    For full details see lit.

    Fleet Enema 250 ml
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    Multiple ingredients
    Fleet Enema 250 ml

    Laxative. Sodium Phosphate Dibasic heptahydrate 6 gr, Sodium Phosphate Monobasic monohydrate 16 g.
    ENEMA: 250 ml. Rectal use only. 250 cc: Adult/child over 12 yrs: 1 whole enema (240 ml) Single dly dose. See lit.
    Colon cleans. bef. surgery, child birth, med. exam.
    C/I: Hypersensitivity to the active ingredients or to any of the excipients of the product, conditions causing decreased gastric motility, undiagnosed gastrointestinal pathology, clinically significant impairment of renal function. For full details see lit.

    full basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Laxative. Glycerol 12.5%, Laurylsulphoacetate Sodium 0.9%, Sodium Citrate 9%.
    DISPOS. ENEMA TUBE: 12 x 5 ml. Adults
    and child 6 yrs and older: 1 tube as
    C/I: Hypersens. to ingreds., inflam. bowel
    (e.g. ulcerat. colit.), intest. obstruct.,
    chron. intest. dysfunct., signs of
    appendicit. (such as abd. pain, cramps/
    bloat., nausea, vomit. of unident. cause),
    and any acute condition of the digestive
    See lit.