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  • Iron supplement
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    Iron supplement. Folic Acid 400 mcg, Iron(as Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex) 100 mg.
    TAB.:30. Adult. & child. over 12 yrs.: Prevent. of anemia: 1 tab.×1/d.              Tmt. of anemia: 3 tabs. a day at once or in divided doses.                                                 The tabs. should be taken during / after meal, before the admin. it may be mixed with vegetable/fruit juices.                         The tabs. can be chewed or swollen with small amount of water.                           Please refer to the license holder for further details.                                       Prevent.  &  tmt. of anemia caused by iron and folic acid defic. includ. anemia of preg. and lact.                                                             C/I: Hypersens.                                                 Pts. with iron metabolism disord. (accumulation / utilization of iron).                       Pts. with other form of anemia rather than iron defic. anemia