All the Drug Class Drugs
Interleukin-6 Receptor Inhibitor. Tocilizumab 20 mg/ml. VIALS: 1, 4 x 80 mg/4 ml; 200mg/10 ml;
400 mg/20 ml.
RA : 8mg/kg bdy wt. I.V. 1 x every 4
Pts. bdy wt. > 100 kg, dose exceed. 800
mg/infus. not recommend. See lit. SJIA:
<30 kg bdywt: 12 mg/kg bdywt, every
2 wks; ≥30 kg bdywt: 8 mg/kg bdywt,
every 2 wks.
Reduce signs/sympts. in adult pts with
mod-severe active rheum. arthrit. when
inad. response to one/more DMARDS or
TNF antags., or in pts unable to use
DMARDs. Can be used alone/in comb. with
methotrexate/other DMARDs. Reduce rate
progress. joint damage as measured by
X-ray, improve physic. funct. when in
combinat. methotrexate. Tmt. active
system. juv. idiopath. arthrit. in pts. > 2 yrs.
C/I: Hypersens., active severe infects.
Interleukin-6 Receptor Inhibitor. Tocilizumab 162 mg / 0.9 ml. PRE- FILLED SYRINGE.: 4 x 162 mg/0.9 ml
Inj. S.C. 162 mg once a week.
In comb. with MTX, for the tmt. of moder.-
severe active RA in adult pt. who have
either responded inadequate. to, or who
were intoler. to, prev. therapy with one or
more DMARDs or TNF antagonists. In
these pts., Tocilizumab can be given as
monother. in case of intolerance to MTX or
where continued tmt. with MTX is
C/I: Hypersens., active severe infects.