All the Drug Class Drugs
Calcium Channel Blocker, Class IV Antiarrhythmic. Diltiazem (as HCl) 120, 180, 240 mg. C.R. CAPS: 30 x 120 mg, 180 mg, 240 mg.
Usual start. dose: 240 mg 1 x dly. All
strengths 1 x dly. See lit.
Chron. stable ang. pect., ang. due to
coronary art. spasm, hypertens.
C/I: Sick-sinus syndr., 2nd or 3rd degree
AV block (unless funct. ventric.
pacemaker present), severe bradycard.,
severe heart fail., severe hypotens. (syst.
press. < 90 mm Hg), acute M.I.,
radiograph. pulm. congest.
Calcium Channel Blocker, Class IV Antiarrhythmic. Diltiazem HCl 120 mg. S.R. TABS: 30. 1 tab 2 x dly to be adjust.
to pt. req.
Chron. stable ang. pect., ang. due to
coron. art. spasm, hypertens.
Calcium Channel Blocker, Class IV Antiarrhythmic. Diltiazem (HCl) 30 mg. TABS: 30 x 30 mg. Initial. 30 mg 4
x dly, bef. meals and at bedt. Grad. incr.
at 1-2 day intervals to 240 mg in equal,
div. doses 3-4 x daily, until opt.
response obtained. Subling.
nitroglycerin may be taken as req. May
be co-admin. with short- and longacting
nitrates. Hepat./ren,. impair:
Titrate with caution.
Ang. pect.
C/I: Hypersens., sick sinus syndr., 2nd or
3rd degree AV block, except in presence of funct. ventric. pacemaker; hypotens.
(<90 mm Hg systol.); acute MI and pulm.
congest., document. by X-ray.