All the Drug Class Drugs
Desferal® 0.5 g
Desferal® 0.5 g
Chelating Agent. Deferoxamine Mesylate 0.5 g. VIALS: 10 x 500 mg. I.M. inject., I.V./S.C.
infus: 20-60 mg dly. See lit.
Chronic iron overload; acute iron
poisoning; diagn. test for iron overload,
chron. alumin. overload in renal fail. in
maint. dialysis, aluminum-related bone
dis., dialysis enceph., anem. Diagnosis iron
C/I: Hypersens., pregn., lact.
Chelating Agent. Deferiprone 500 mg, 100 mg/ml. F.C. TABS: 100. 25 mg/kg bdy wt. 3 x dly
(total dly dose: 75 mg/kg bdy wt.),
calculated to nearest 1/2 tab. Over 100
mg/kg bdy wt not recommend.
Iron overload in pts. over 6 yrs. with
thalassem. major when deferoxamine C/I
or inad. Tmt. by physician experienced in